Rule 5:21 – Custody, Pretrial Detention

Rule 5:21-1. Taking Into Custody, Initial ProcedureA law enforcement officer may take into custody without process a juvenile who the officer has probable cause to believe is delinquent as defined by N.J.S. 2A:4A-23. When a juvenile has been taken into custody for...

Rule 4:39 – Verdicts

Rule 4:39-1. Special VerdictsThe court may require a jury to return only a special verdict in the form of a special written finding upon each issue of fact, in which case it may submit to the jury either written questions which can be categorically or briefly answered...

Rule 5:20 – Complaint; Process

Rule 5:20-1. Complaint(a)How Made. Contents The complaint in juvenile delinquency actions shall be captioned “The State of New Jersey in the Interest of _______”, shall be made on oath and in the form prescribed by the Administrative Director of Court and...

Rule 5:19 – General Provisions

Rule 5:19-1. Establishment of Venue; Change of Venue(a) Establishment of Venue.(1) Juvenile delinquency complaints are filed in the county where the incident giving rise to the complaint allegedly occurred. However, when the juvenile charged is domiciled in a county...