Section 82 – Powers and duties of such guardians

Every such disposition, from the time it takes effect, shall vest in the person to whom made, if he accepts the appointment, all the rights and powers, and subject him to all the duties and obligations of a guardian of such minor, and shall be valid and effectual...

Section 81 – Appointment of guardians by parent

A married woman is a joint guardian of her children with her husband, with equal powers, rights and duties in regard to them. Upon the death of either father or mother, the surviving parent, whether of full age or a minor, of a child likely to be born, or of any...

Section 80 – Guardians in socage

Where a minor for whom a general guardian of the property has not been appointed shall acquire real property, the guardianship of his property with the rights, powers and duties of a guardian in socage belongs: (1) to the parents jointly, or, if they be separated, or...