§22-330. Discharge of grand jury

On the completion of the business before the grand jury, or completion of the statutory time limit for sessions of a grand jury, or whenever the court shall be of the opinion that the public interests will not be subserved by further continuance of the session, the...

§22-329. Discharge of grand juror

A member of the grand jury may for ill health of himself or immediate family, or other cause rendering him unable to serve, be discharged before the term is ended or the labor of the grand jury completed; or, if the judge becomes satisfied that any grand juror is...

§22-326. Charge to grand jury

The grand jury, being impaneled and sworn, must be charged by the court. In doing so the court must give them such information as it may deem proper as to the nature of their duties, and as to any charges for public offenses returned to the court, or likely to come...