§22-325. Oath to other jurors

The following oath must be immediately thereupon administered to the other grand jurors present:The same oath which your foreman has now taken before you on his part, you and each of you shall well and truly observe on your part. So help you God. R.L.1910, §...

§22-324. Oath to foreman

The following oath must be administered to the foreman of the grand jury:You, as foreman of this grand jury, shall diligently inquire into, and true presentment make, of all public offenses against this state, committed or triable within this county (or subdivisions),...

§22-323. Court to appoint foreman

From the persons summoned to serve as grand jurors, and appearing, the court must appoint a foreman. The court must also appoint a foreman when a person already appointed is discharged or excused before the grand jury are dismissed. R.L.1910, § 5708.

§22-322. Special grand jury

A grand jury formed and impaneled as to and in a particular case after a challenge or challenges to individual grand jurors have been allowed, shall be sworn to act only in such particular case and as to all other cases at the same term of the court the grand jury...

§22-321. New grand jury in certain cases

If the grand jury is discharged by the allowance of a challenge to the whole panel; or if from any cause, in the opinion of the court, another grand jury may become necessary, the court may in its discretion order that another grand jury be summoned. R.L.1910, §...