Rule 1031.1 – Cross-claim

Any party may set forth in the answer or reply under the heading “Cross-claim” a cause of action against any other party to the action that the other party may be(1) solely liable on the underlying cause of action or(2) liable to or with the cross-claimant...

Rule 1031 – Counterclaim

(a) The defendant may set forth in the answer under the heading “Counterclaim” any cause of action cognizable in a civil action which the defendant has against the plaintiff at the time of filing the answer.(b) A counterclaim need not diminish or defeat...

Rule 1030 – New Matter

(a) Except as provided by subdivision (b), all affirmative defenses including but not limited to the defenses of accord and satisfaction, arbitration and award, consent, discharge in bankruptcy, duress, estoppel, failure of consideration, fair comment, fraud,...

Rule 1028(c) – Preliminary Objections

(1)Filing. All preliminary objections shall be filed: (a) in accordance with Pa.R.C.P. 1028,(b) along with: (1) a cover sheet in the form set forth in Rule 205.2(b),(2) a brief or memorandum of law, as set forth in Rule 210,(3) a proposed order, and(4) a certificate...