Rule 108 – Time. Computation of Months

Whenever in any rule the lapse of a number of months after or before a certain day is required, such number of months shall be computed by counting the months from such day, excluding the calendar month in which such day occurs, and shall include the day of the month...

Rule 106 – Computation of Time

(a) When any period of time is referred to in any rule, such period in all cases, except as otherwise provided in Rules 107 and 108, shall be so computed as to exclude the first and include the last day of such period.(b) Whenever the last day of any such period shall...

Rule 105 – Bonds

A rule requiring a bond or undertaking with sureties to be given by any person, shall be construed to permit in lieu thereof a bond given by any indemnity or surety company authorized to do business in this Commonwealth, and approved by the proper authority.231 Pa....