Rule 12 – Motions [Effective May 1, 2021]

(a) Motions. An application to the court for an order shall be by motion, which, unless made during a trial or hearing, shall be in writing and in accordance with this rule. A motion shall state succinctly and with particularity the grounds upon which it is made and...

Rule 11 – Pleas

(a)Right to Counsel. Upon arraignment, except for an infraction, a defendant shall be represented by counsel, unless the defendant waives counsel in open court. The defendant shall not be required to plead until the defendant has had a reasonable time to confer with...

Rule 10 – Arraignment

(a) Upon the return of an indictment or upon receipt of the records from the magistrate following a bind-over, the defendant shall forthwith be arraigned in the district court. Arraignment shall be conducted in open court and shall consist of reading the indictment or...