Rule 3:7 – Bills of Particulars

(a)Timing and Grounds. On motion made promptly, a bill of particulars may be ordered to amplify any pleading that does not provide notice of a claim or defense adequate to permit the adversary a fair opportunity to respond or prepare the case.(b)Striking of...

Rule 3:5 – The Summons

(a)Form of process. The process of the courts in civil actions is a summons in substantially this form: Commonwealth of VirginiaIn the……….Court of the……….of……………SUMMONSCivil Action No. . . .The party...

Rule 3:4 – Copies of Complaint

(a)Copies for Service. Except in cases where service is waived pursuant to Code § 8.01- 286.1, the plaintiff must furnish the clerk when the complaint is filed with as many paper copies thereof as there are defendants upon whom it is to be served. In an Electronically...