Rule 6.16 – Verdicts and Findings

(a) Verdicts.(1) Several Defendants. If there are two or more defendants, the jury at any time during its deliberations may return a verdict or verdicts with respect to a defendant or defendants as to whom it has agreed; if a jury cannot agree with respect to all, the...

Rule 6.15 – Instructions and Argument

(a) Proposed Instructions. Proposed jury instructions shall be served and filed when a case is called for trial by serving one copy upon counsel for each party, by filing one copy with the clerk, and by delivering the original and one additional copy for each party to...

Rule 6.14 – Immunity

In any case the court on motion of the prosecuting attorney may order that a witness shall not be excused from giving testimony or producing any papers, documents or things, on the ground that such testimony may tend to incriminate or subject the witness to a penalty...

Rule 6.12 – Witnesses

(a) Who May Testify. Any person may be a witness in any action or proceeding under these rules except as hereinafter provided or as provided in the Rules of Evidence.(b) When Excused. A witness subpoenaed to attend in a criminal case is dismissed and excused from...

Rule 6.11 – Judge-disability

(a) Disability of Judge During Jury Trial. If, before the judge submits the case to the jury, he or she is unable to continue with the trial, any other judge assigned to or regularly sitting in the court, upon becoming familiar with the record of the trial, may...