Rule 7.5 – New Trial

(a) Grounds for New Trial. The court on motion of a defendant may grant a new trial for any one of the following causes when it affirmatively appears that a substantial right of the defendant was materially affected: (1) Receipt by the jury of any evidence, paper,...

Rule 7.4 – Arrest of Judgment

(a) Arrest of Judgments. Judgment may be arrested on the motion of the defendant for the following causes: (1) Lack of jurisdiction of the person or offense; (2) the indictment or information does not charge a crime; or (3) insufficiency of the proof of a material...

Rule 7.3 – Judgment

A judgment of conviction shall set forth whether defendant was represented by counsel or made a valid waiver of counsel, the plea, the verdict or findings, and the adjudication and sentence. The court may order that its sentence include special conditions or...

Rule 7.2 – Sentencing

(a) Generally. The court shall state the precise terms of the sentence and shall assure that the record accurately reflects all time spent in custody in connection with the offense or behavioral incident for which sentence is imposed. Pending such action the court may...

Rule 7.1 – Procedures Before Sentencing

(a) Generally. At the time of, or within 3 days after, a plea, finding, or verdict of guilt of a felony, the court may order that a risk assessment or presentence investigation and report be prepared by the Department of Corrections, when authorized by law. The court...

Rule 6.16 – Verdicts and Findings

(a) Verdicts.(1) Several Defendants. If there are two or more defendants, the jury at any time during its deliberations may return a verdict or verdicts with respect to a defendant or defendants as to whom it has agreed; if a jury cannot agree with respect to all, the...