Rule 81 – Applicability in general

(a)To what proceedings applicable. – (1)Review of decisions of magistrates and administrative agencies. – When the appeal of a case has been granted or perfected, these rules apply, except that, in a case on appeal from a magistrate court, Rules 26 through...

Rule 78 – Motion day

Unless local conditions make it impracticable, each court shall establish regular times and places, at intervals sufficiently frequent for the prompt dispatch of business, at which motions requiring notice and hearing may be heard and disposed of; but the judge at any...

Rule 77 – Court and clerks

(a)Courts always open. – The courts shall be deemed always open for the purpose of filing any pleading or other proper paper, of issuing and returning mesne and final process, and of making and directing all motions, orders, and rules. (b)Trials and hearings;...