Rule 34 – Arrest of judgment

The court on motion of a defendant shall arrest judgment if the indictment, information or citation does not charge an offense or if the court was without jurisdiction of the offense charged. The motion in arrest of judgment shall be made within 10 days after verdict...

Rule 33 – New trial

(a) In general. – The court on motion of a defendant may grant a new trial to that defendant if required in the interest of justice. If trial was by the court without a jury, the court, on motion of a defendant for a new trial, may vacate the judgment if...

Rule 32 – Judgment and sentence

(a) Presentence investigation. – (1) When Made. – In every felony case the Department of Probation and Parole shall conduct a presentence investigation and submit a report to the court. The court may order an investigation and report in misdemeanor cases....

Rule 31 – Verdict

(a) Return. – The verdict shall be unanimous. It shall be returned by the jury to the judge in open court. (b) Several defendants. – If there are two or more defendants, the jury at any time during its deliberations may return a verdict or verdicts with...