Section 20-2-313 – Cessation of child support

(a) An on-going child support obligation terminates when the: (i) Parents marry or remarry each other; (ii) Child dies; (iii) Child is legally emancipated; or (iv) Child attains the age of majority. (b) After the remarriage of the parents to each other, the court may...

Section 20-2-312 – Redirection of child support

Upon affidavit by the current custodian or the department filed with the clerk of the district court, or by operation of law when public funds have been expended on behalf of a minor child, that the care and control of the child resides in a party other than the...

Section 20-2-310 – Enforcement of child support

(a) In any proceeding to enforce the decree concerning the maintenance of children, any required notice or pleading shall be served as provided by the Wyoming Rules of Civil Procedure.(b) A court may, upon appropriate motion, require a parent to appear before the...