Rule 39.4 – Juror questions for witnesses

At the beginning of civil trials, the court shall instruct jurors that they will be permitted to submit written questions for witnesses if they have questions about the witnesses’ testimony that have not been answered after counsel for all parties have finished...

Rule 39.2 – Juror questionnaires

In appropriate cases, the court may use case-specific juror questionnaires to gather information from prospective jurors in advance of jury selection. When case-specific questionnaires will be used, the court should require counsel to confer and attempt to reach...

Rule 39 – Trial by jury or by the court

(a) By Jury. When a jury trial has been demanded under Rule 38, the action must be designated on the docket as a jury action. The trial on all issues so demanded must be by jury unless: (1) the parties or their attorneys file a stipulation to a nonjury trial or so...

Rule 38 – Right to a jury trial; demand

(a) Right preserved. Issues of law must be tried by the court, unless referred as hereinafter provided; and issues of fact arising in actions for the recovery of money only, or specific real or personal property, must be tried by a jury unless a jury trial be waived,...