Florida Rules of Civil Procedure



Plaintiff, A. B., sues defendant, C. D., and alleges:

1. This is an action to evict a tenant from real property in ……………… County, Florida.

2. Plaintiff owns the following described real property in said county:

(describe property)

3. Defendant has possession of the property under (oral, written) agreement to pay rent of $………. payable …………………

4. Defendant failed to pay rent due …..(date)……

5. Plaintiff served defendant with a notice on …..(date)….., to pay the rent or deliver possession but defendant refuses to do either.

WHEREFORE plaintiff demands judgment for possession of the property against defendant.

Added by 211 So.2d 174, effective 10/1/1968.


Paragraph 3 must specify whether the rental agreement is written or oral and if written, a copy must be attached.