May 13, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Montana

1. During all the times herein mentioned defendant owned and operated in interstate commerce a railroad which passed through a tunnel located at …. and known as Tunnel No. …..
2. On or about June 1, 1958, defendant was repairing and enlarging the tunnel in order to protect interstate trains and passengers and freight from injury and in order to make the tunnel more conveniently usable for interstate commerce.
3. In the course of thus repairing and enlarging the tunnel on said day defendant employed plaintiff as one of its workers, and negligently put plaintiff to work in a portion of the tunnel which defendant had left unprotected and unsupported.
4. By reason of defendant’s negligence in thus putting plaintiff to work in that portion of the tunnel, plaintiff was, while so working pursuant to defendant’s orders, struck and crushed by a rock, which fell from the unsupported portion of the tunnel, and was (describing plaintiff’s injuries).
5. Prior to these injuries, plaintiff was a strong, able-bodied man, capable of earning and actually earning …. dollars per day. By these injuries the plaintiff has been made incapable of any gainful activity, has suffered great physical and mental pain, and has incurred expense in the amount of …. dollars for medicine, medical attendance and hospitalization.

Wherefore plaintiff demands judgment against defendant in the sum of …. dollars and costs.

En. Sec. 80, Ch. 13, L. 1961; amd. Sup. Ct. Ord. May 1, 1990, eff. May 1, 1990.