May 13, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Montana

1. Defendant on or about June 1, 1958, executed and delivered to plaintiff a promissory note [in the following words and figures: (here set out the note verbatim)]; [a copy of which is hereto annexed as Exhibit A]; [whereby defendant promised to pay to plaintiff or order on June 1, 1959, the sum of …. dollars with interest thereon at the rate of …. per cent per annum].1

1The pleader may use the material in one of the three sets of brackets. This choice will depend upon whether the pleader desires to plead the document verbatim, or by exhibit, or according to its legal effect.

2. Defendant owes to plaintiff the amount of said note and interest.

Wherefore plaintiff demands judgment against defendant for the sum of …. dollars, interest, and costs.

En. Sec. 80, Ch. 13, L. 1961; amd. Sup. Ct. Ord. May 1, 1990, eff. May 1, 1990.