May 13, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Montana

We the undersigned jointly and severally acknowledge that we and our personal representatives are jointly bound to pay to (respondent) the sum of $…..

(Appellant) has appealed from that certain judgment (or order) (insert descriptive facts) and has obtained an order staying execution from the district court, and the condition of this bond is that if the judgment (or order) appealed from, or any part thereof, be affirmed, or the appeal dismissed, the appellant will pay the amount directed to be paid by the judgment (or order) or the part of such amount as to which the judgment (or order) is affirmed, if affirmed only in part, and all damages and costs which may be awarded against the appellant upon the appeal. If such payment be made then this bond is void, otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect. If the appellant does not make such payment within thirty days after the filing of the remittitur from the supreme court in the court from which the appeal is taken, judgment may be entered on motion of the respondent in the respondent’s favor against the sureties for such amount, together with the interest that may be due thereon, and the damages and costs which may be awarded against the appellant upon the appeal.

……………. ………………

Appellant Address

………… …………………..

Surety Address

……….. ……………………

Surety Address

(Justification of Sureties) ……………

Form of bond approved. Judge

(This form with necessary alterations may be used in any situation covered by Rule 62.)

En. Sec. 80, Ch. 13, L. 1961 as added by Sec. 1, Ch. 3. L. 1963; amd. Sup. Ct. Ord. May 1, 1990, eff. May 1, 1990.