
Civil Procedure

Form 24 – Writ of Assistance – Petition For

[Insert caption A from page ______ with the following designation of parties]




COMES NOW the Plaintiff, above-named, by and through its attorneys of record, and moves this Honorable Court issue a Writ of Assistance to the Sheriff of the County of , State of Colorado, enabling the Sheriff to call to his aid the powers of his County, in accordance with Rule 104 (h), in order that the Sheriff may execute the Writ of Replevin heretofore entered in the premises, and as grounds therefor, shows unto the Court:

That the property described in the Writ of Replevin is being concealed by the Defendant, or his agents; that the Sheriff has heretofore demanded the delivery of the property, and that despite such public demand the property has not been delivered.

Respectfully submitted:

Attorney for the Plaintiff