
Civil Procedure

Form 72 – Motion to consolidate

[Style of Consolidated Actions]

Case No. _______

Case No. _______

Comes now the Defendant [Plaintiff], in the above styled cases and moves the Court to consolidate the above styled actions for trial as provided by Rule 42(a), and for grounds of said motion respectfully shows unto the Court as follows:

1. That all of said actions are now pending in this Court (and are set for trial on ______).

2. That all of said actions grow out of or arise out of the same subject matter [herein set forth the subject matter of the actions].

3. [Herein identify the relationship of the parties.]

4. That a consolidation of said actions will avoid unnecessary costs and delay in the trial of these suits.

Wherefore, the premises considered, the Defendant prays that the Court enter an order that said actions hereinabove described be consolidated for trial.

By ______________________

Attorney for ______________

