
Family Procedure

Interest rate for child support arrears

Chapter 27. Child Support Services Agency.

Sec. 25.27.010. Creation of child support services agency.
There is created in the Department of Revenue the child support services agency.

Sec. 25.27.020. Duties and responsibilities of the agency.
 (a) The agency shall
     (1) seek enforcement of child support orders of the state in other jurisdictions and shall obtain, enforce, and administer the orders in this state;

     (2) adopt regulations to carry out the purposes of this chapter and AS 25.25, including regulations that establish
          (A) procedures for hearings conducted under AS 25.27.170 and for administrative enforcement of support orders;

          (B) subject to AS 25.27.025 and to federal law, a uniform rate of interest on arrearages of support that shall be charged the obligor upon notice if child support payments are 10 or more days overdue or if payment is made by a check backed by insufficient funds; however, an obligor may not be charged interest on late payment of a child support obligation, other than a payment on arrearages, if the obligor is
               (i) employed and income is being withheld from the obligor’s wages under an income withholding order;

               (ii) receiving unemployment compensation and child support obligations are being withheld from the obligor’s unemployment payments under AS 23.20.401; or

               (iii) receiving compensation for disabilities under AS 23.30 and child support obligations are being withheld from the obligor’s compensation payments;

          (C) procedures for establishing and disestablishing paternity under AS 25.27.165 and 25.27.166, including procedures for hearings; and

          (D) procedures under which the agency shall enter into contracts or agreements with financial institutions, including brokerage houses, insurance companies, and other companies providing individual investment, transaction, or deposit accounts, doing business in the state to develop and operate an automated data match system as required by 42 U.S.C. 666(a)(17); the agency may pay a reasonable fee to a financial institution for conducting a data match under a contract or agreement under this subparagraph; the fee may not exceed the actual costs incurred by the financial institution for conducting the data match;

     (3) administer and enforce AS 25.25 (Uniform Interstate Family Support Act);

     (4) establish, enforce, and administer child support obligations administratively under this chapter;

     (5) administer the state plan required under 42 U.S.C. 651 — 669 (Title IV-D, Social Security Act) as amended;

     (6) disburse support payments collected by the agency to the obligee, together with interest charged under (2)(B) of this subsection;

     (7) establish and enforce administratively under this chapter, or through the superior courts of the state, child support orders from other jurisdictions pertaining to obligors within the state;

     (8) enforce and administer spousal support orders if a spousal support obligation has been established with respect to the spouse and if the support obligation established with respect to the child of that spouse is also being administered;

     (9) obtain a medical support order that meets the requirements of AS 25.27.060(c) and 25.27.063;

     (10) act on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Services in the enforcement of AS 47.07.025(b);

     (11) establish or disestablish, administratively under AS 25.27.165 — 25.27.166 or through court action, the paternity of a child;

     (12) promptly provide to the Bureau of Vital Statistics, in a format approved by the bureau, any final agency decision administratively establishing or disestablishing the paternity of a child born in this state; and

     (13) act as the central registry for all child support orders and exchange information as required by federal law.

 (b) In determining the amount of money an obligor must pay to satisfy the obligor’s immediate duty of support, the agency shall consider all payments made by the obligor directly to the obligee or to the obligee’s custodian before the time the obligor is ordered to make payments through the agency. After the obligor is ordered to make payments through the agency, the agency may not consider direct payments made to the obligee or the obligee’s custodian unless the obligor provides clear and convincing evidence of the payment.

 (c) If admitted to the practice of law in the state, the director of the agency, or the director’s designee, shall sign a complaint or other pleadings on behalf of the agency in an action to establish or enforce a support obligation under this chapter in which the agency is not represented by the attorney general.

 (d) The agency may issue an administrative order or request a court order that requires an individual in arrears under an order of support for a child who is receiving assistance under AS 47.07, or under AS 47.25.310 — 47.25.420 or a successor program, or for a child whose parent, guardian, or designee of the parent or guardian has applied for aid from the agency under AS 25.27.100, to make payments according to an approved payment plan or, if the individual is not incapacitated, to participate in appropriate work activities.

 (e) To the extent required by federal law and as necessary for locating individuals for child support purposes, the agency, the child support enforcement agency of another state, or the federal government is entitled to have access to information used by the Department of Public Safety or a successor agency to locate an individual for purposes relating to motor vehicles or law enforcement.

 (f) The agency shall, by regulation, establish procedures and standards for the forgiveness of an arrearage owed to the state under AS 25.27.120. The agency may forgive arrears under this section, with the approval of the commissioner and without the approval of the Department of Law, if
     (1) the obligor
          (A) has or obtains employment for which income withholding is initiated under AS 25.27.250 within 60 days after the date the obligor is approved for the forgiveness program;

          (B) enrolls in and successfully completes an employment training program approved by the agency and obtains employment for which income withholding is initiated under AS 25.27.250 within 30 days after completion of the employment training program; or

          (C) enters into an agreement with the agency for alternative payment procedures if the agency determines that there are unusual circumstances justifying a waiver of income withholding;

     (2) the obligor is in compliance with additional requirements and limitations imposed by the agency by regulation to assure that forgiveness of the arrearage is in the best interest of the child and of the state; and

     (3) the obligor makes monthly payments pursuant to a payment agreement approved by the agency; if the obligor misses more than two monthly payments in a calendar year or more than two consecutive payments without approval of the agency for good cause, the obligor is not eligible to continue in the arrears forgiveness program under this section.

 (g) During each year in which an obligor complies with the requirements for the forgiveness of an arrearage under (f) of this section and any regulations adopted by the agency under that subsection, the agency may forgive up to 20 percent of the total arrearage owed to the state under AS 25.27.120, including any interest owed on that debt. For purposes of determining the amount of the forgiveness, the arrears shall be calculated as of the date the obligor is approved for participation in the forgiveness program.

 (h) The agency may establish by regulation requirements and limitations on eligibility in addition to those stated in (f) and (g) of this section.

Sec. 25.27.022. Establishment and enforcement requests from other states.
 (a) The agency may act, under the laws of this state, upon requests from similar state agencies in other states that operate child support enforcement programs under 42 U.S.C. 651 — 669 (Title IV-D Social Security Act) to establish or disestablish paternity and to establish and enforce against obligors within this state support obligations determined in other states.

 (b) Except for requests for assistance made under (c) of this section or AS 25.25.501, requests from child support enforcement agencies in other states shall be made by application containing the information that this state’s agency requires and including written authorization from the requesting state agency and the obligee for this state’s agency to initiate necessary action.

 (c) Requests from a child support agency of another state for assistance in enforcing support orders through high-volume automated administrative enforcement may be made by electronic or other means and must include the information required by 42 U.S.C. 666(a)(14).

 (d) An employer receiving an income withholding order from a child support agency of another state shall comply with the choice of law provisions of AS 25.25.502(d), 25.25.503, and 42 U.S.C. 666(b)(6)(A)(i)(V).

Sec. 25.27.025. Rate of interest.
The rate of interest imposed under AS 25.27.020(a)(2)(B) shall be six percent a year or a lesser rate that is the maximum rate of interest permitted to be imposed under federal law.

Sec. 25.27.030. Establishment of fund.
There is established in the state general fund a continuing, revolving, reserve account to receive collections and make the authorized disbursements of the agency.

Sec. 25.27.040. Determination of paternity.
 (a) The agency may appear on behalf of minor children or their mother or legal custodian or the state and initiate efforts to have the paternity of children born out of wedlock determined by the court. When the agency is a party to a court action in which paternity is contested, it shall request and pay for genetic testing and procedures under AS 25.20.050(e) and may recover the costs of the testing as provided in AS 25.20.050(f).

 (b) The agency may not attempt to establish paternity in any case
     (1) involving incest or forcible rape, unless the mother of the child is legally competent and requests the establishment of paternity; in this paragraph, “forcible rape” means sexual assault in the first degree under AS 11.41.410 or a conviction under a law or ordinance from another jurisdiction with similar elements; “forcible rape” includes adjudications of delinquency for acts with elements similar to AS 11.41.410;

     (2) when legal proceedings for adoption are pending; or

     (3) when it would not be in the best interests of the children or the state.

 (c) When the agency is a party in a court action in which paternity is contested, the agency shall move for a default judgment in a case that meets the conditions specified in AS 25.20.050(g).

Sec. 25.27.045. Determination of support obligation.
The agency may appear in an action seeking an award of support on behalf of a child owed a duty of support, or to enforce a spousal support order if a spousal support obligation has been established and if a support obligation, established with respect to a child of that spouse, is also being administered, and may also appear in an action seeking modification of a support order, decree, or judgment already entered. Action under this section may be undertaken upon application of an obligee, or at the agency’s own discretion if the obligor is liable to the state under AS 25.27.120(a) or (b).

Sec. 25.27.050. Legal assistance.
The agency shall contract with the Department of Law to provide needed legal services.

Sec. 25.27.060. Order of support.
 (a) Unless otherwise provided under AS 25.24.910 or AS 25.27.061, an order of support establishes a relationship by which the custodian of the child is the administrator for the purposes of administering child support on behalf of the child. The court shall carefully consider the need for support, the ability of both parents to meet such support obligations, the extent to which the parents supported the child before divorce, and the economic ability of the parents to pay after separation and divorce. The court shall also consider the effect on the support obligation of a change in custodian. The need of the child for support shall be considered regardless of the sex of the parent awarded custody of the child.

 (b) [Repealed, § 21 ch 126 SLA 1977.]
 (c) In a court or administrative proceeding where the support of a minor child is at issue, the court or agency, as applicable, may order either parent or both parents to pay the amount necessary for support, maintenance, nurture, and education of the child. Regardless of whether a support order for periodic payments is issued, the court or agency shall issue a medical support order, a cash medical support order, or both. The medical support order shall require health care insurance coverage for the child if health care insurance coverage is available to either parent or both parents for the child at a reasonable cost. The court or agency shall consider whether the child is eligible for services through the Indian Health Service or other insurance coverage before ordering either parent or both parents to provide health care coverage through insurance, cash medical support, or other means or a combination of insurance, cash medical support, or other means. The court or agency shall allocate equally the cost of health care insurance for the child between the parents unless there is good cause to allocate the costs unequally. If the obligor has the duty to make periodic payments for non-medical child support, the obligor’s periodic payments shall be decreased by the amount of the other parent’s portion of payments for health insurance ordered by the court or agency and actually paid by the obligor. If the obligor has a duty to make periodic payments for non-medical child support, the periodic payments shall be increased by the obligor’s portion of payments for health insurance if the other parent is ordered to and actually does obtain and pay for insurance. The court or agency shall allocate equally between the parents the cost of reasonable health care expenses not covered by private insurance unless there is good cause to allocate the costs unequally. One parent shall reimburse the other parent for the first parent’s share of the uncovered expenses paid by the parent within 30 days after receipt by the first parent of the bill for the health care, payment verification, and, if applicable, a health insurance statement indicating what portion of the cost is uncovered. The medical support order must meet the requirements of AS 25.27.063. Upon a showing of good cause, the court may order the parents required to pay support to give reasonable security for payments.

 (d) An order for prospective child support may be modified or revoked under AS 25.24.170.

Sec. 25.27.061. Payment of support to 18-year-olds.
A judgment, court order, or order of the agency under this chapter that provides for child support to be paid for the care of an unmarried 18-year-old child who is actively pursuing a high school diploma or an equivalent level of technical or vocational training while living as a dependent with a parent, guardian, or designee of the parent or guardian, may provide for the support to be paid directly to the child upon terms and conditions considered appropriate by the court or agency.

Sec. 25.27.062. Income withholding order for support.
 (a) Unless the court or agency is establishing only a medical support order, a judgment, court order, or order of the agency under this chapter providing for support must contain an income withholding order. Except as provided in (m) of this section, the income withholding order must provide for immediate income withholding if the support order is
     (1) being enforced by the agency and was issued or modified on or after July 8, 1994; or

     (2) not being enforced by the agency and was issued on or after July 8, 1994.

 (b) An income withholding order must direct the obligor, the obligor’s employer, future employer, and any person, political subdivision, or department of the state to withhold money due or to be due the obligor and pay the money to the agency, in an amount determined under (i) of this section. A court that issues a support order on or after July 8, 1994 shall send a copy of the order to the agency.

 (c) Income withholding under a support order that does not require immediate withholding may be initiated under AS 25.27.150 if the support order is being enforced by the agency, or under (d) of this section if the support order is not being enforced by the agency, if
     (1) the obligor requests withholding;

     (2) the payments that the obligor has failed to make within 30 days of the monthly due date specified in the support order are equal to or greater than the support payable for one month; or

     (3) the obligee requests withholding and
          (A) the agency approves the request because all or part of the monthly payment of the obligor has been more than 10 days overdue more than one time in the preceding 12 months or there is reason to believe that the obligor might withdraw assets to avoid payment of support; in this paragraph, “10 days overdue” means occurring 10 days after the monthly due date specified in a support order; or

          (B) the court approves the request for good cause.

 (d) Income withholding under a support order that does not require immediate income withholding and that is not being enforced by the agency may be initiated either by filing a motion with the court and complying with applicable court rules or, if there is a child support arrearage, by making a written request to the agency for immediate income withholding under AS 25.27.150. Application to the agency under this subsection may not, by itself, be construed as a request for other services of the agency. If immediate withholding under this subsection is sought through a motion to the court, the court shall order the beginning of income withholding under this subsection if the court finds that any of the grounds in (c)(1), (2), or (3)(B) of this section is satisfied. It is not a defense to a motion based on (c)(2) of this section that less than one full month’s payment is past due by 30 days if at least one full month’s payment was past due by 30 days on the date the motion was filed. Notice to the obligor of income withholding ordered under this subsection must be given in a manner that complies with court rules. In this subsection, “past due by 30 days” means unpaid 30 days after the monthly due date specified in the support order.

 (e) The agency or the person who obtains an income withholding order under this chapter shall immediately send a copy of the income withholding order, a copy of the relevant provisions of AS 25.27.260 and this section, and an explanation of the effect of the statutes to persons who may owe money to an obligor. These items may be served by certified mail, return receipt requested, or they may be served personally by a process server, except that the agency alternatively may send the items by electronic means. An income withholding order made under this chapter is binding upon a person, employer, political subdivision, or department of the state immediately upon receipt of a copy of the income withholding order. A person receiving an income withholding order shall immediately begin withholding the specified amount from the obligor’s earnings. The amount withheld shall be sent to the agency within seven business days after the date the amount would otherwise have been paid or credited to the obligor. An employer may, for each payment made under an order, deduct $5 from other wages or salary owed to the obligor.

 (f) An employer may not discharge, discipline, or refuse to employ an obligor on the basis of an income withholding order issued under this chapter. If an employer discharges, disciplines, or refuses to employ an obligor because of an income withholding obligation, the court, after notice and hearing, may order reinstatement or restitution to the obligor, or both. A person who violates this subsection or a regulation adopted to implement it, is liable for a civil penalty of not more than $1,000.

 (g) An income withholding order under this chapter has priority over all other attachments, executions, garnishments, or other legal process brought under state law against the same property unless otherwise ordered by the court. An income withholding order is not limited to the wages of an obligor but may include all money owed to the obligor not otherwise exempt by law. Exemptions under AS 09.38 do not apply to income withholdings under this chapter.

 (h) The court may order payment of all court costs that resulted from an income withholding proceeding under this chapter.

 (i) An employer shall, to the extent permitted under 15 U.S.C. 1673(b), withhold the current support obligation from an obligor’s wages, including the obligor’s share, if any, of the premium for health coverage required to be withheld under AS 25.27.063(c)(4). An employer shall withhold additional income, to the extent permitted under 15 U.S.C. 1673(b), from an obligor’s wages for any support arrearage.

 (j) An employer may combine into a single payment to the agency amounts withheld from more than one obligor if the employer specifies the portion of the payment attributable to each obligor and complies with the time deadlines set out in (e) of this section.

 (k) An employer who is withholding income of an obligor under an order that provides that the withheld income shall be paid to the agency shall notify the agency promptly when the obligor gives or receives notice of termination of employment and provide to the agency the obligor’s last known home address and the name and address of the obligor’s new employer, if known. The employer shall keep a record of the order to withhold income from the obligor for three years after the employer notifies the agency that the obligor has terminated employment. If, within that three-year period, the obligor is reemployed by the former employer, the employer shall immediately implement the order against the obligor’s earnings unless the employer has received notice from the agency that the order is no longer applicable to the obligor. If the obligor is reemployed by the former employer after that three-year period, the employer is not required to implement a withholding order against the obligor’s earnings until the employer receives a new order to withhold the obligor’s income under this chapter.

 (l) Unless modified or terminated by the agency or the court, an order to withhold income under this chapter remains in effect, except as provided in (k) of this section, until the support order is satisfied. The agency or court may not terminate or modify an income withholding order solely on the ground that the obligor has paid all arrearages. Upon satisfaction of a support order, if the order is
     (1) being enforced by the agency, the agency shall, within 15 working days, notify all persons served by the agency with the income withholding order that withholding is no longer required; if the agency receives money from an obligor under an income withholding order after the underlying support order has been satisfied and the agency was enforcing the support order at the time it became satisfied, the agency shall immediately return the overpayment to the obligor; if the agency fails to return an overpayment as required under this paragraph, the state is liable to the obligor for the amount of the overpayment, plus interest at the rate of six percent a year, and a person to whom the agency erroneously disbursed the overpayment is liable to the state for the amount disbursed, plus interest at the rate of six percent a year;

     (2) not being enforced by the agency, the obligor shall file a motion in court requesting termination of the withholding order and serve the motion on the obligee; the court shall enter an order terminating the withholding order if the court determines that the support order has been satisfied; the obligor may deliver a copy of the termination order to persons who were served with the income withholding order; when a termination order is entered, the obligee shall, upon request of the obligor, notify the obligor of all persons who have been served with the income withholding order by the obligee.

 (m) An income withholding order described in (a)(1) — (2) of this section is not subject to immediate withholding if the support order is
     (1) being enforced by the agency and the obligor agrees to keep the agency informed of the obligor’s current employer and the availability of employment-related health insurance coverage for the children covered by the support order until the support order is satisfied and
          (A) the agency has entered into its record a written agreement between the obligor and the obligee that provides for an alternative arrangement and income withholding has not been terminated previously and subsequently initiated; the agency must also be a party to an agreement under this paragraph if support has been assigned to the state; or

          (B) the obligor or obligee demonstrates and the agency, in compliance with applicable federal law, finds good cause not to require immediate income withholding because it would not be in the best interests of the child and, in a case involving the modification of a support order, the obligor has made voluntary support payments under a court or agency order and has not been in arrears in an amount equal to the support payable for one month; in this paragraph, “in arrears” means failing to make a support payment within 30 days of the monthly due date specified in the order;

     (2) not being enforced by the agency and the obligor agrees to keep the obligee informed of the obligor’s current employer and the availability of employment-related health insurance coverage for the children covered by the support order until the support order is satisfied and
          (A) the court finds that (i) a written agreement exists between the obligor and the obligee that provides for an alternative arrangement and (ii) income withholding has not been terminated previously and subsequently initiated; the agency must also be a party to an agreement under this paragraph if support has been assigned to the state; or

          (B) the obligor or obligee demonstrates, and the court, in compliance with applicable federal law, finds good cause not to require immediate income withholding because it would not be in the best interests of the child and, in a case involving the modification of a support order, the obligor has made voluntary support payments under a court or agency order and has not been in arrears in an amount equal to the support payable for one month; in this paragraph, “in arrears” means failing to make a support payment within 30 days of the monthly due date specified in the order; or

     (3) an order that involves an obligor who is receiving social security or other disability compensation that includes regular payments to the children who are the subjects of the support order, except to the extent that the payments to the children do not equal the child support due each month.

 (n) In calculating the amount of child support to be withheld under an income withholding order, the agency shall give credit to the obligor for the cost to the obligor of medical and dental insurance for the children and educational payments for the children to the extent that the insurance coverage and educational payments are required in the applicable child support order and are actually paid for by the obligor.

Sec. 25.27.063. Medical support order.
 (a) [Repealed, § 23 ch 106 SLA 2000.]
 (b) If a parent who is required to provide health care coverage under a medical support order is eligible for family health coverage through an employer, the court or agency issuing the medical support order shall send a copy of the medical support order to the employer. If the agency has notice that the parent has changed or will be changing employment and is or will be eligible for family health coverage through the new employer, the agency shall send a copy of the medical support order to the new employer.

 (c) An employer who receives a copy of a medical support order under (b) of this section
     (1) shall allow the employee named in the order to enroll the child under the family coverage without regard to restrictions relating to enrollment periods if the child is otherwise eligible and is not already enrolled under the family coverage;

     (2) shall, if the employee fails to apply for enrollment of a child under (1) of this subsection, enroll the child under the employee’s family coverage upon application by the child’s other parent or custodian, the child support services agency, or the Department of Health and Social Services;

     (3) may not disenroll or eliminate coverage of the child while the employee is still employed by the employer unless the employer has eliminated family health coverage for all of its employees or has received written evidence that
          (A) the employee is no longer required by court order or administrative order to provide the child’s insurance coverage; or

          (B) the child is or will be enrolled in comparable health coverage through another insurer that will take effect not later than the effective date of the disenrollment or elimination of coverage; and

     (4) shall withhold from the employee’s compensation the employee’s share, if any, of premiums for health coverage to the extent permitted under 15 U.S.C. 1673(b) (Consumer Credit Protection Act) and pay the withheld amount to the appropriate insurer; if federal regulations allow the employer to withhold less than the employee’s share of the insurance premium, the employer may withhold the lesser amount and pay it to the appropriate insurer.

Sec. 25.27.065. Waiver of child support.
 (a) A custodian of a child, including a custodial parent, owes a duty to that child to ensure that child support is paid by a noncustodial parent who is obligated to pay it. An agreement to waive past or future child support, made between an obligor and a person who is entitled to receive support on behalf of an obligee, is not enforceable unless
     (1) the agreement is put in writing at the time the agreement is made; and

     (2) the agreement is signed at the time it is made by both the obligor and the person acting for the obligee.

 (b) When the right to receive child support has been assigned to a governmental entity, an agreement under (a) of this section that has not been adopted as an administrative order of the agency is not effective during a period when the obligee is receiving assistance under AS 47.27.

 (c) In a separation, dissolution, or divorce proceeding, a court may not accept a waiver of support by a custodial parent without proof that the custodial parent can support the needs of the child adequately.

Sec. 25.27.070. Order to assign wages for support.
 (a) In a proceeding in which the court has ordered either or both parents to pay for the support of a child, the court may, on its own motion or motion of a party or the agency on behalf of a party, after notice and an opportunity for hearing, order either parent or both parents to assign to the custodian of the child that portion of salary or wages of either parent due them currently and in the future sufficient to pay the amount ordered by the court for the support, maintenance, nurture, and education of the child.

 (b) The order of assignment is binding upon an employer upon service of a copy of the order upon the employer and until further order of the court. The employer may, for each payment made under the order, deduct $1 from other wages or salary owed to the employee.

 (c) The assignment made under court order has priority as against an attachment, execution, or other assignment unless otherwise ordered by the court.

 (d) An employer may not terminate an employee’s employment because wages of the employee are subject to an order under this section.

Sec. 25.27.075. Employment information.
 (a) An employer doing business in the state shall report to the agency the hiring, rehiring, or return to work of each employee. The report shall be made within the time limits set out in (b) of this section. The report must contain the name, address, and social security number of the newly hired employee, the name and address of the employer, and the identifying number assigned to the employer by the United States Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. Violation of this subsection does not give rise to a private cause of action.

 (b) An employer required to report under (a) of this section shall use the following procedures to make the report:
     (1) if the report is submitted magnetically or electronically, the report shall be made in a format mutually agreed upon by the employer and the agency; an employer reporting under this paragraph shall make two transmissions a month, not less than 12 days nor more than 16 days apart; or

     (2) if the report is not submitted magnetically or electronically, the report shall be made on a United States Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, W-4 form or, at the option of the employer, on an equivalent form; an employer reporting under this paragraph shall make the report to the agency not later than 20 days after the date of the hiring, rehiring, or return to work of the employee; the report shall be transmitted by the employer by first class mail.

 (c) An employer that does business in this state and that has employees in at least one other state is not required to comply with (a) of this section if, in compliance with the laws of that state, the employer
     (1) submits timely magnetic or electronic reports of hires, rehires, or returns to work to the state directory of new hires of another state in which the employer has employees; and

     (2) has provided written notification of its election under this subsection to the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services.

 (d) In addition to reporting under (a) of this section, an employer of an obligor shall promptly provide to the agency, or the child support enforcement agency of another state, information requested regarding the obligor’s compensation, employment, wages or salary, and occupation.

 (e) An employer may charge $1 to each employee who is reported to the agency under this section to cover the cost of the reporting.

 (f) In addition to other sanctions available under the law, an employer that violates this section is liable for a civil penalty for each failure to meet the requirements of this section of not more than
     (1) $10 for each employee who is newly hired, rehired, or newly returned to work; and

     (2) $100 if the failure is the result of a conspiracy between the employee and the employer not to supply the required report or to supply a false or incomplete report concerning an employee.

 (g) In this section,
     (1) “employee” has the meaning given in 26 U.S.C. 3401(c); “employee” does not include an employee of a federal or state agency performing intelligence or counterintelligence functions if the head of that agency has determined that reporting under this section on the employee could endanger the safety of the employee or compromise an ongoing investigation or intelligence mission;

     (2) “employer” has the meaning given in 26 U.S.C. 3401(d); “employer” includes a governmental entity and a labor organization;

     (3) “labor organization” has the meaning given in 29 U.S.C. 152; “labor organization” includes an entity that is used by the labor organization and another employer to carry out hiring or other requirements described in 29 U.S.C. 158(f)(3) in accordance with an agreement between the labor organization and the other employer.

Sec. 25.27.080. Enforcement of support orders.
 (a) A court order requiring payment of child support shall be modified to order payments be made to the agency upon application.

 (b) The agency on behalf of the custodian or the state shall take all necessary action permitted by law to enforce child support orders, including petitioning the court for orders to aid in the enforcement of child support.

 (c) The determination or enforcement of a duty of support is unaffected by any interference by the custodian of the child with rights of custody or visitation granted by a court. When the agency appears on behalf of a child in an action seeking to establish or enforce support, the court may not adjudicate custody, visitation, or property rights in the same action.

 (d) An order of arrest may not be issued in the enforcement of child support unless the court has reason to believe that the obligor may flee the jurisdiction or unless the obligor has been ordered to appear in the action and has failed to do so.

Sec. 25.27.085. Subpoenas.
 (a) The agency may subpoena persons, books, records, and documents to
     (1) obtain any financial or other information needed to establish, modify, or enforce a child support order;

     (2) determine the paternity of a child under AS 25.27.165; or

     (3) disestablish the paternity of a child under AS 25.27.166.

 (b) An administrative subpoena issued under this section shall be served in the manner provided for service of liens under AS 25.27.240. Proof of service may be completed according to Rule 5, Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure.

 (c) A person who is issued an administrative subpoena shall be provided an opportunity to refuse to comply with it for good cause by filing a request for a conference with the agency in this state in the manner and within the time specified in regulations adopted by the agency. Good cause shall be limited to mistake in identity of the person or to a prohibition under law to release such information.

 (d) After a conference requested under (c) of this section, the agency shall issue an order on the request relating to good cause. If the person continues to refuse to comply with the administrative subpoena, the agency in this state shall issue an order to impose a civil penalty of $10 for each day of noncompliance with the subpoena.

 (e) An order imposing a civil penalty under this section is a final administrative decision and may be appealed under AS 25.27.210.

 (f) This section does not limit the ability of the agency to make other lawful requests for information.

 (g) If a person fails to comply with a subpoena issued under this section, the agency may apply to the court for an order to compel obedience by proceedings for contempt as if the subpoena had been issued by a court.

Sec. 25.27.086. Subpoenas issued by agency of another state.
 (a) If the child support enforcement agency of another state issues a subpoena regarding persons, books, records, or documents in this state, the subpoena must be complied with as if it were issued by this state’s child support services agency if
     (1) the subpoena is for obtaining
          (A) financial or other information needed to establish, modify, or enforce a support order; or

          (B) information needed to determine or disestablish the paternity of a child under the laws of the state in which the subpoena was issued; and

     (2) the issuing agency complied with AS 25.27.085(b).

 (b) The procedures in or adopted under AS 25.27.085(c) and (d) apply to a person who is issued a subpoena described in (a) of this section.

 (c) The child support services agency of this state shall enforce a subpoena described in (a) of this section and shall provide the opportunity for conference and issue any order under AS 25.27.085(c) and (d) on behalf of the issuing agency. AS 25.27.085(e) applies to an order under this subsection.

 (d) The penalties provided in AS 25.27.085 apply regarding a subpoena described in (a) of this section.

 (e) Nothing in this section limits the ability of a child support enforcement agency of another state to make other lawful requests for information in this state.

Sec. 25.27.090. Reducing arrears to judgment. [Repealed, § 24 ch 126 SLA 1977. Formerly AS 47.23.090.]
Sec. 25.27.095. Agency exempt from execution.
Execution may not issue against money held in the fund established under AS 25.27.030.

Sec. 25.27.100. All persons may use agency.
 (a) The agency shall provide aid to any person due child support under the laws of this state upon application. The agency may, by regulation, impose a fee for services provided under this chapter.

 (b) [Repealed, § 148 ch 87 SLA 1997.]

Sec. 25.27.103. Payments to agency.
An obligor shall make child support payments to the agency if the agency is enforcing a duty of child support under AS 25.25 or this chapter. The agency shall disburse that portion of a payment that exceeds the amount of money necessary to satisfy the obligor’s immediate duty of support in accordance with state and federal requirements. The agency may characterize a support payment physically received by the agency through wage withholding during the last five business days of the month as having been received on the first day of the next calendar month if the agency determines that the payment was made in the course of regular wage withholding intended for the next calendar month. The agency shall credit money disbursed under this section toward satisfaction of the obligor’s duty of support.

Sec. 25.27.105. Audit of collections.
Within 30 working days after receipt of a written request from an obligor, the obligor’s legal representative, the obligee, or the obligee’s legal representative, the agency shall provide an audit of all child support payments made by the obligor and received by the agency. The audit shall include the date and amount of each payment, the name of the obligee, and the total amount of arrearages of support past due and amount of unpaid penalties and interest imposed under AS 25.27.020(a)(2)(B). The agency is required to provide only one audit each year for each obligee and obligor under this section.

Sec. 25.27.107. Certification of arrears.
Within 30 days after receipt of a written request from an obligee or an obligee’s personal representative, the agency shall provide the obligee with a document that certifies whether or not the obligor was, at the end of the most recent calendar year,
     (1) in arrears under the support order in an amount more than four times the monthly obligation under the order in cases where a payment schedule has not been established for payment of continuing support and accumulated arrears under the support order; or

     (2) in arrears under a payment schedule in an amount more than four times the monthly obligation under the payment schedule if a payment schedule has been established for payment of continuing support and accumulated arrears under the support order.

Sec. 25.27.110. [Renumbered as AS 25.27.900.]
Sec. 25.27.120. Obligor liable for public assistance furnished obligee.
 (a) An obligor is liable to the state in the amount of assistance granted under AS 47.07 and AS 47.27 to a child to whom the obligor owes a duty of support except that, if a support order has been entered, the liability of the obligor for assistance granted under AS 47.27 may not exceed the amount of support provided for in the support order, and, if a medical order of support has been entered, the liability of the obligor for assistance granted under AS 47.07 may not exceed the amount of support provided for in the medical order of support.

 (b) An obligor is liable to the state in the amount of the cost incurred if the state is maintaining a child to whom the obligor owes a duty of support in a foster home or institution, except that if a support order has been entered, or an agreement for payment of that cost executed between the obligor and the state, the liability of the obligor may not exceed the amount provided in the support order or agreement.

 (c) Within 30 days after the agency knows the identity and address of an obligor who resides in the state and who is liable to the state under this section, the agency shall send written notification by certified mail to the obligor and the obligee of the obligor’s accruing liability and that the obligor shall make child support payments to the agency. The notice required under this subsection must be in clear, concise, and easily readable language. The notice may accompany other communications by the agency.

 (d) If the agency fails to comply with (c) of this section, interest does not accrue on the liability to the state unless a support order or medical support order, as applicable, has been entered.

 (e) The agency’s failure to comply with (c) of this section does not bar an action by the state to recover amounts owed by the obligor.

Sec. 25.27.125. Accounting and disposition of federal receipts and agency collections.
 (a) Federal incentive payments received by the state under 42 U.S.C. 658 shall be deposited in the general fund and the commissioner of administration shall separately account for the payments. The annual estimated balance in the account may be used by the legislature to make appropriations to the Department of Revenue to carry out the purposes of AS 25.27.020.

 (b) The annual estimated balance in the account maintained by the commissioner of administration under AS 37.05.142 may be used by the legislature to make appropriations to the Department of Health and Social Services to carry out the purposes of AS 47.14.100 — 47.14.130 and AS 47.27.

Sec. 25.27.130. Subrogation of state.
 (a) If the obligor is liable to the state under AS 25.27.120(a) or (b), the state is subrogated to the rights of the obligee to
     (1) bring an action in the superior court seeking an order of support;

     (2) proceed under AS 25.27.160 — 25.27.270 to establish a duty of support; or

     (3) enforce by execution, in accordance with AS 25.27.230 — 25.27.270, or otherwise, a support order entered in favor of the obligee.

 (b) To establish or enforce an order of support, including, if applicable, a medical support order, based on the subrogation of the state, the agency is not limited to the amount of assistance being granted to the child.

 (c) The recovery of any amount for which the obligor is liable that exceeds the total assistance granted under AS 47.07 and AS 47.27 shall be paid to the obligee.

 (d) Except as provided in (f) of this section, if the obligee is not receiving assistance under AS 47.07 or AS 47.27 at the time the state recovers money in an action under this section, the recovery of any amount for which the obligor is liable shall be distributed to the obligee for support payments, including medical support payments, that have become due and unpaid since the termination of assistance under AS 47.07 or AS 47.27 under a support order in favor of the obligee.

 (e) After payment to the obligee under (d) of this section, the state may retain an amount not to exceed the total unreimbursed assistance paid on behalf of the obligee under AS 47.07 or AS 47.27.

 (f) Notwithstanding (d) of this section, the state shall, if required under federal law or regulations, distribute amounts recovered through offset of the obligor’s federal tax refund as past due support with first distribution to the state for unpaid support assigned to the state under AS 47.07.025 and AS 47.27.040.

Sec. 25.27.135. Limitation on actions to establish child support obligation.
If the same causes of action concerning a duty of child support are pending concurrently in court and before the agency, the second action filed may be abated upon the motion of a party or the agency. The court or the agency may award full costs and attorney fees to the party prevailing on the abatement motion.

Sec. 25.27.140. Authority and procedures to administratively establish and enforce support obligation.
 (a) If a support order has not been entered, the agency may establish paternity and a duty of support, which may include periodic payments of support, a medical support order, or both, utilizing the procedures prescribed in AS 25.27.160 — 25.27.220 and may enforce a duty of support utilizing the procedure prescribed in AS 25.27.230 — 25.27.270. Action under this subsection may be undertaken upon application of an obligee, or at the agency’s own discretion if the obligor is liable to the state under AS 25.27.120(a) or (b).

 (b) If a support order has been entered, the agency may enforce the support order utilizing the procedures prescribed in AS 25.27.062, 25.27.150, and 25.27.230 — 25.27.270.

 (c) Unless the agency is establishing only a medical support order, a decision of the agency determining a duty of support shall include an income withholding order as provided under AS 25.27.062.

Sec. 25.27.150. Initiation of administrative enforcement of orders; required notice.
 (a) If an arrearage occurs under a support order being enforced by the agency for which immediate income withholding is not required under AS 25.27.062(a) or an application is made to the agency for withholding under AS 25.27.062(d), the agency may execute an income withholding order without prior notice to the obligor. At the time of execution, the agency shall serve a notice of income withholding on the obligor. Notice under this subsection shall be served upon the obligor by certified mail to the obligor’s last known address, and service is complete when the notice is properly addressed, certified, and mailed.

 (b) The notice must state the amount of the overdue support that is owed, if any, and the amount of income that will be withheld.

 (c) The notice shall inform the obligor that income withholding has been ordered and of the procedures to follow if the obligor wishes to contest withholding on the grounds that the withholding is improper due to a mistake of fact. The notice must also inform the obligor of the information that was provided to the employer in the document that ordered the withholding.

 (d) If the obligor requests a hearing, it shall be conducted under the department’s regulations for informal conferences and shall be held within 15 days of the date of the request. The hearing may only be held to determine if there is a mistake of fact that makes the income withholding order improper because the amount of current or overdue support is incorrect, the identity of the obligor is inaccurate, or, for initiated withholding based on AS 25.27.062(c)(3)(A), the alleged facts regarding overdue payments or potential withdrawal of assets are incorrect. The order is not subject to any other legal defenses. It is not a defense to an income withholding order issued under AS 25.27.062(c)(2) that less than one full month’s payment is past due if at least one full month’s payment was past due on the date notice was served under this section.

 (e) The conference officer shall inform the obligor of the informal conference decision either at the informal conference hearing or within 15 days after the hearing.

 (f) If the conference officer determines that withholding will continue, the obligor may request a formal hearing as provided in the department’s regulations.

Sec. 25.27.160. Initiation of administrative action to establish support duty; required notice.
 (a) An action to establish a duty of support authorized under AS 25.27.140(a) is initiated by the agency serving on the alleged obligor a notice and finding of financial responsibility. The notice and finding served under this subsection shall be served personally or by registered, certified, or insured mail, return receipt requested, for restricted delivery only to the person to whom the notice and finding is directed or to the person authorized under federal regulation to receive that person’s restricted delivery mail.

 (b) Except as provided in (c) of this section, the notice and finding of financial responsibility served under (a) of this section must state
     (1) the sum or periodic payments for which the alleged obligor is found to be responsible under this chapter;

     (2) the name of the alleged obligee and the obligee’s custodian;

     (3) that the alleged obligor may appear and show cause in a hearing held by the agency why the finding is incorrect, should not be finally ordered, and should be modified or rescinded, because
          (A) no duty of support is owed; or

          (B) the amount of support found to be owed is incorrect;

     (4) that, if the person served with the notice and finding of financial responsibility does not request a hearing within 30 days, the property and income of the person will be subject to execution under AS 25.27.062 and 25.27.230 — 25.27.270 in the amounts stated in the finding without further notice or hearing.

 (c) If the agency is establishing only medical support, the notice and finding of financial responsibility must state
     (1) that health care insurance shall be provided for the child to whom the duty of support is owed if health care insurance is available to the alleged obligor at a reasonable cost and that the alleged obligor and the other parent shall share equally the cost of the health care insurance and the costs of reasonable health care expenses not covered by insurance;

     (2) the sum of periodic payments of cash medical support for which either parent or both parents are found to be responsible under this chapter;

     (3) the name of the alleged obligee and the obligee’s custodian;

     (4) that the alleged obligor may appear and show cause in a hearing held by the agency why the finding is incorrect, should not be finally ordered, and should be modified or rescinded, because
          (A) no duty of support is owed;

          (B) health care insurance for the child is not available to the alleged obligor at a reasonable cost;

          (C) adequate health care is available to the child through the Indian Health Service or other insurance coverage; or

          (D) there is good cause to allocate the costs of health insurance, cash medical support, or uninsured health care expenses unequally between the parents;

     (5) that, if the person served with the notice under this subsection does not request a hearing within 30 days, a copy of the medical support order will be sent to the person’s employer under AS 25.27.063(b) without further notice or hearing for inclusion of the child in family health coverage if it is available through the person’s employer.

Sec. 25.27.165. Determination of paternity in an administrative proceeding.
 (a) Upon application from a mother, custodian, putative father, or legal custodian of a child, or from a state, the agency may institute administrative proceedings to determine the paternity of a child born out of wedlock.

 (b) In order to initiate a paternity proceeding administratively, the agency shall serve a mother and putative father, as appropriate, with a notice of paternity and financial responsibility. The notice shall be served personally as set out in Rule 4(d), Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure, or by registered, certified, or insured mail, return receipt requested, for restricted delivery only to the person to whom the notice is directed or to the person authorized under federal law to receive that person’s restricted delivery mail. The notice must be accompanied by
     (1) an administrative order requiring that the mother, child, and putative father submit to genetic testing to be arranged by the agency and stating that a party may provide information to show good cause not to order the testing;

     (2) an administrative order requiring the putative father to provide financial information, as defined by the agency in regulation, within 30 days after service of the notice; all financial information provided to the agency under an order under this paragraph shall be held confidential by the agency, according to any applicable regulations; and

     (3) a notice of right to informal conference, to be held within 20 days after receipt of an admission of paternity or service upon the parties of genetic test results.

 (c) A person served with a notice of paternity and financial responsibility and accompanying orders under (b) of this section shall file a response, admitting or denying paternity and providing the required financial information, within 30 days after the date of service of the notice of paternity and financial responsibility. If the putative father admits paternity, the agency shall issue, within 20 days after the admission of paternity, a decision establishing paternity. If the putative father denies paternity, the putative father shall submit to genetic testing, as provided in (b) of this section, within 45 days after the date of service of the notice of paternity and financial responsibility. If the putative father fails to file a response or fails to comply with an accompanying order within the time and in the manner required in this subsection, the agency may issue a decision by default establishing paternity and financial responsibility, except that, if the proceeding was instituted at the request of the putative father, the agency shall dismiss the proceeding without prejudice.

 (d) Upon receipt of genetic test results, the agency shall serve on the putative father notice of the test results and of the date for the informal conference. Service of the notice shall be made by first class mail. If the genetic test results are negative under the standard set in AS 25.20.050(d), the agency shall issue a finding of nonpaternity within 20 days after the agency’s receipt of the test results. If the genetic test results are positive under the standard set in AS 25.20.050(d), the agency shall issue an informal conference decision within 20 days after the agency’s receipt of the test results. Upon request and advance payment by a party, the agency shall order additional genetic tests. If the second genetic test results contradict the first genetic test results, the agency shall provide copies of the second genetic test results to the parties and conduct another informal conference. The agency shall issue the second informal conference decision within 20 days after the agency’s receipt of the second genetic test results.

 (e) If the agency issues a decision establishing paternity under (d) of this section, the putative father is entitled to a formal hearing if a written request for hearing is served on the agency by certified mail, return receipt requested, within 30 days after the date of service of the agency’s decision.

 (f) If a request for a formal hearing is made under (e) of this section, an execution under AS 25.27.062 and 25.27.230 — 25.27.270 may not be stayed unless the putative father posts security or a bond in the amount of child support that would have been due under the informal conference decision pending the decision on the formal hearing. If no request for a formal hearing is made under (e) of this section, the informal conference decision establishing paternity is final.

 (g) If a request for a formal hearing is made under (e) of this section, the hearing officer shall consider the evidence applying the standards set in AS 25.20.050(d).

 (h) If a putative father who requests a formal hearing under (e) of this section fails to appear at the formal hearing, the hearing officer shall enter a final decision establishing paternity.

 (i) The agency may recover any costs it pays for genetic tests required by this section from the putative father unless the testing establishes that the individual is not the father, except that costs may not be recovered from a person who is a recipient of cash assistance or self-sufficiency services under AS 47.27 (Alaska temporary assistance program). For purposes of this subsection, a person who receives a diversion payment and self-sufficiency services under AS 47.27.026 is not considered to be a recipient of cash assistance or self-sufficiency services under AS 47.27.

 (j) A decision establishing paternity or an admission of paternity under this section must include the social security numbers, if ascertainable, of the father, mother, and the child.

 (k) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, if the agency determines, after considering the best interests of the child, that good cause exists not to order genetic testing under this section, it shall, without ordering the genetic testing and as the agency determines appropriate in the best interests of the child,
     (1) end the administrative proceedings under this section without making a determination of paternity; or

     (2) after a hearing provided for under regulations adopted by the agency, enter a final decision regarding paternity.

Sec. 25.27.166. Disestablishment of paternity.
 (a) The agency shall, by regulation, establish procedures and standards for the disestablishment of paternity of a child whose paternity was established in this state other than by court order if the paternity was not established by
     (1) genetic test results that met the standard set out in AS 25.20.050(d) at the time the test was performed; or

     (2) an acknowledgment of paternity under AS 25.20.050 or an admission of paternity under AS 25.27.165.

 (b) The agency’s standards and procedures under (a) of this section must
     (1) allow a person to petition the agency to disestablish paternity only once per child;

     (2) allow a petition to disestablish paternity to be brought only within three years after the child’s birth or three years after the petitioner knew or should have known of the father’s putative paternity of the child, whichever is later; and

     (3) provide standards and notice and hearing procedures that are equivalent to those used for establishment of paternity under AS 25.27.165.

 (c) The agency shall disestablish paternity under this section if genetic test results are negative under the standard set out in AS 25.20.050(d) and if the other standards established in its regulations are met.

 (d) If a decision under this section disestablishes paternity, the petitioner’s child support obligation or liability for public assistance under AS 25.27.120 is modified retroactively to extinguish arrearages for child support and accrued liability for public assistance based on the alleged paternity that is disestablished under this section. This subsection may be implemented only to the extent not prohibited by federal law.

 (e) The costs of genetic testing under this section shall be assessed against the petitioner if paternity is not disestablished. If paternity is disestablished under this section, the costs of genetic testing shall be assessed against
     (1) the individual to whom the petitioner paid or owed child support payments for the child for whom paternity was disestablished; or

     (2) the agency if there is no individual who meets the description in (1) of this subsection.

Sec. 25.27.167. Contempt of order for genetic testing.
 (a) If a person who is located in this state fails to comply with an order for genetic testing issued by the agency in this state, or the tribunal of another state, the agency in this state may certify the facts to the superior court of this state.

 (b) Upon certification under (a) of this section, the court shall issue an order directing the person to appear and show cause why the person should not be punished for contempt. The order and a copy of the certified statement shall be served on the person in the manner required for service of court orders to show cause.

 (c) After service under (b) of this section, the court has jurisdiction of the matter brought under this section.

 (d) The law of this state applicable to contempt of a court order applies to a proceeding for contempt of an order for genetic testing brought under this section.

Sec. 25.27.170. Hearings in administrative action to establish support duty.
 (a) A person served with a notice and finding of financial responsibility is entitled to a hearing if a request in writing for a hearing is served on the agency by registered mail, return receipt requested, within 30 days of the date of service of the notice of financial responsibility.

 (b) If a request for a formal hearing under (a) of this section is made, the execution under AS 25.27.062 and 25.27.230 — 25.27.270 may not be stayed unless the obligor posts security or a bond in the amount of child support that would have been due under the finding of financial responsibility pending the decision on the hearing. If no request for a hearing is made, the finding of responsibility is final at the expiration of the 30-day period.

 (c) If a hearing is requested, it shall be held within 30 days of the date of service of the request for hearing on the agency.

 (d) Except as provided in (g) of this section, the hearing officer shall determine the amount of periodic payments necessary to satisfy the past, present, and future liability of the alleged obligor under AS 25.27.120, if any, and under any duty of support imposable under the law. The amount of periodic payments determined under this subsection is not limited by the amount of any public assistance payment made to or for the benefit of the child.

 (e) The hearing officer shall consider the following in making a determination under (d) of this section:
     (1) the needs of the alleged obligee, disregarding the income or assets of the custodian of the alleged obligee;

     (2) the amount of the alleged obligor’s liability to the state under AS 25.27.120 if any;

     (3) the intent of the legislature that children be supported as much as possible by their natural parents;

     (4) the ability of the alleged obligor to pay.

 (f) Except as provided in (g) of this section, if the alleged obligor requesting the hearing fails to appear at the hearing, the hearing officer shall enter a decision declaring the property and income of the alleged obligor subject to execution under AS 25.27.062 and 25.27.230 — 25.27.270 in the amounts stated in the notice and finding of financial responsibility.

 (g) If the agency is establishing only a medical support order, the hearing officer shall enter a decision about the parents’ respective responsibilities for the child’s health care expenses that complies with the requirements of AS 25.27.060(c).

Sec. 25.27.180. Administrative findings and decision.
 (a) Within 20 days after the date of the hearing, the hearing officer shall adopt findings and a decision determining whether paternity is established and whether a duty of support exists, and, if a duty of support is found, the decision must specify
     (1) unless a medical support order only is being established, the amount of periodic payments or sum for which the alleged obligor is found to be responsible; and

     (2) the parents’ respective responsibilities for the costs of the child’s health care; this medical support order must be in compliance with AS 25.27.060(c).

 (b) Liability to the state under AS 25.27.120 is limited to the amount for which the obligor is found to be responsible under (a) of this section.

 (c) A decision regarding support rendered under (a) of this section is modified to the extent that a subsequent order, judgment, or decree of a superior court is inconsistent with the decision entered under (a) of this section.

Sec. 25.27.190. Modification of administrative finding or decision.
 (a) Unless a support order has been entered by a court and except as provided in AS 25.25, the obligor, or the obligee or the obligee’s custodian, may petition the agency or its designee for a modification of the administrative finding or decision of responsibility previously entered with regard to future periodic support payments. In addition, the agency may initiate a modification and grant a hearing under (c) — (e) of this section.

 (b) The agency shall grant a hearing upon a petition made under (a) of this section if affidavits submitted with the petition make a showing of good cause and material change in circumstances sufficient to justify action under (e) of this section.

 (c) If a hearing is granted, the agency shall serve a notice of hearing together with a copy of any petition and affidavits submitted on the obligee or the obligee’s custodian and the obligor personally or by registered, certified, or insured mail, return receipt requested, for restricted delivery only to the person to whom the notice is directed or to the person authorized under federal regulation to receive that person’s restricted delivery mail.

 (d) A hearing shall be set not less than 15 nor more than 30 days from the date of mailing of notice of hearing, unless extended for good cause.

 (e) Modification or termination of future periodic support payments may be ordered upon a showing of good cause and material change in circumstances. The adoption or enactment of guidelines or a significant amendment to guidelines for determining child support is a material change in circumstances, if the guidelines are relevant to the petition. As necessary to comply with 42 U.S.C. 666, a periodic modification of child support may be made without a showing of a material change in circumstances if the child support order being modified on the periodic basis has not been modified or adjusted during the three years preceding the periodic modification.

Sec. 25.27.193. Periodic review or adjustment of support orders.
As necessary to comply with 42 U.S.C. 666, the agency, by regulation, shall provide procedures and standards for the modification, through a three-year cycle of review or adjustment, of a support order. Regulations adopted under this section must include procedures for periodic notice of the right to request review, procedures for hearings, and standards for adjustments regarding future periodic support payments. A modification under this section may be made without a showing of a material change in circumstances.

Sec. 25.27.194. Processing time for modification of support orders.
The agency shall use its best efforts to process modifications of support orders under AS 25.27.190 and 25.27.193 in a manner that will result in the same average processing time for modifications that increase obligors’ responsibilities as for modifications that decrease obligors’ responsibilities.

Sec. 25.27.195. Relief from administrative order.
 (a) A clerical mistake in an administrative order issued by the agency or an error arising from an oversight or omission by the agency may be corrected by the agency at any time.

 (b) The agency may, at any time, vacate an administrative support order issued by the agency under AS 25.27.160 that was based on a default amount rather than on the obligor’s actual ability to pay.

 (c) Before an order may be corrected or vacated under (a) or (b) of this section, the agency must send notice of the intended action to the obligor and the custodian and provide an adequate opportunity for the obligor and custodian to be heard on the issue.

 (d) If an order is vacated under (b) of this section, the agency may at the same time issue a new order establishing a support amount, based on information about the obligor’s income or on the Alaska average wage standard, for periods of time covered by the previous order. Upon issuance of the new order, the agency may adjust the obligor’s account to reflect the support amounts established in the new order. In no case may the agency adjust the obligor’s account below zero.

Sec. 25.27.200. Use of standards in administrative determinations of support amounts.
In making its findings under AS 25.27.160 and in establishing and modifying amounts of periodic support payments under AS 25.27.180 and 25.27.190, the agency shall consider the standards adopted by regulation under AS 25.27.020 and any standards for determination of support payments used by the superior court of the district of residence of the obligor.

Sec. 25.27.210. Judicial review of administrative decisions and actions.
 (a) Judicial review by the superior court of a final administrative decision establishing or disestablishing paternity and establishing or modifying a duty of support or amounts of support due may be obtained by filing a notice of appeal in accordance with the applicable rules of court governing appeals in civil matters. A notice of appeal shall be filed within 30 days after the decision.

 (b) The complete record of the proceedings, or the parts of it that the appellant designates, shall be prepared by the agency. A copy shall be delivered to all parties participating in the appeal. The original shall be filed in the superior court within 30 days after the appellant pays the estimated cost of preparing the complete or designated record or files a corporate surety bond equal to the estimated cost.

 (c) The complete record includes
     (1) the notice and finding of financial responsibility, the notice of paternity and financial responsibility, or the notice of and petition for an action disestablishing paternity, as applicable;

     (2) the request for a hearing;

     (3) the decision of the hearing officer;

     (4) the exhibits admitted or rejected;

     (5) the written evidence;

     (6) all other documents in the case, including decisions of the agency.

 (d) Upon order of the superior court, appeals may be taken on the original record or parts of it. The record may be typewritten or duplicated by any standard process. Analogous rules of court governing appeals in civil matters shall be followed when this chapter is silent, and when not in conflict with this chapter.

 (e) The superior court may enjoin agency action in excess of constitutional or statutory authority at any stage of an agency proceeding. If agency action is unlawfully or unreasonably withheld, the superior court may compel the agency to initiate action.

Sec. 25.27.220. Procedure in judicial reviews.
 (a) An appeal shall be heard by the superior court sitting without a jury.

 (b) Inquiry in an appeal extends to the following questions: (1) whether the agency has proceeded without or in excess of jurisdiction; (2) whether there was a fair hearing; and (3) whether there was a prejudicial abuse of discretion. Abuse of discretion is established if the agency has not proceeded in the manner required by law, the order or decision is not supported by the findings, or the findings are not supported by the evidence.

 (c) The court may exercise its independent judgment on the evidence. If it is claimed that the findings are not supported by the evidence, abuse of discretion is established if the court determines that the findings are not supported by
     (1) the weight of the evidence; or

     (2) substantial evidence in the light of the whole record.

 (d) The court may augment the agency record in whole or in part, or hold a hearing de novo. If the court finds that there is relevant evidence which, in the exercise of reasonable diligence, could not have been produced or which was improperly excluded at the hearing, the court may
     (1) enter judgment as provided in (e) of this section and remand the case to be reconsidered in the light of that evidence; or

     (2) admit the evidence at the appellate hearing without remanding the case.

 (e) The court shall enter judgment setting aside, modifying, remanding, or affirming the decision, without limiting or controlling in any way the discretion legally vested in the agency.

 (f) The court in which proceedings under this section are started may stay the operation of the decision until
     (1) the court enters judgment;

     (2) a notice of further appeal from the judgment is filed; or

     (3) the time for filing the notice of appeal expires.

 (g) A stay may not be imposed or continued if the court is satisfied that it is against the public interest.

 (h) If further appeal is taken, the supreme court may, in its discretion, stay the superior court judgment or agency order.

Sec. 25.27.225. Support payment obligations as judgments.
A support order ordering a noncustodial parent obligor to make periodic support payments to the custodian of a child is a judgment that becomes vested when each payment becomes due and unpaid. The custodian of the child, or the agency on behalf of that person, may take legal action under AS 25.27.226 to establish a judgment for support payments ordered by a court of this state that are delinquent.

Sec. 25.27.226. Collection of past due support.
To collect the payment due, the custodian of a child, or the agency on behalf of that person, shall file with the court (1) a motion requesting establishment of a judgment; (2) an affidavit that states that one or more payments of support are 30 or more days past due and that specifies the amounts past due and the dates they became past due; and (3) notice of the obligor’s right to respond. Service on the obligor must be in the manner provided in AS 25.27.265. The child’s custodian, or the agency on behalf of the custodian, shall file with the court proof of service of the petition, affidavit, and notice. The obligor shall respond no later than 15 days after service by filing an affidavit with the court. If the obligor’s affidavit states that the obligor has paid any of the amounts claimed to be delinquent, describes in detail the method of payment or offers any other defense to the petition, then the obligor is entitled to a hearing. After the hearing, if any, the court shall enter a judgment for the amount of money owed. If the obligor does not file an affidavit under this section, the court shall enter a default judgment against the obligor.

Sec. 25.27.227. Nature of remedies.
AS 25.27.225 and 25.27.226 provide remedies in addition to and not as a substitute for any other remedies available to the parties.

Sec. 25.27.228. Court costs.
The court may order an obligor to pay all court costs involved in a proceeding resulting in a court order described in AS 25.27.225, and in a proceeding under AS 25.27.226.

Sec. 25.27.230. Assertion, recording, and effect of lien.
 (a) The agency shall assert a lien upon the real or personal property of the obligor in the amount of the obligor’s liability if an arrearage occurs under a support order being enforced by the agency.

 (b) A lien recorded under this section has no effect against earnings, or bank deposits or balances, unless it states the amount of the obligor’s liability under this chapter and unless the lien is served in accordance with AS 25.27.240.

 (c) The lien shall attach to all real and personal property of the obligor and be effective on the date of recording of the lien with the recorder of the recording district in which the property attached is located. A lien against earnings shall attach and be effective upon filing with the recorder of the recording district in which the employer does business or maintains an office or agent for the purpose of doing business. A lien filed at the offices of the Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission in Juneau against a limited entry permit issued under AS 16.43 is considered to have been filed against the permit in all recording districts in which the permit holder uses the permit.

 (d) Whenever a lien has been recorded under this section and there is in the possession of any person, political subdivision, or department of the state having actual notice of the lien any property that may be subject to the lien, that property may not be paid over, released, sold, transferred, encumbered, or conveyed unless
     (1) a written release or waiver signed by a representative of the agency has been delivered to the person, political subdivision, or department of the state; or

     (2) a decision has been made in a hearing held under AS 25.27.170 or by a superior court ordering release of the lien on the grounds that no debt exists or that the debt has been satisfied.

 (e) A lien arising in another state under the child support laws of that state shall be given full faith and credit in this state. The lien may be asserted in this state upon the real or personal property of the obligor in the amount of the obligor’s liability by complying with the requirements of this section.

 (f) A lien recorded under this section is a judgment lien and may be enforced by execution under AS 09.35 in the full amount of the obligor’s liability at the time of execution.

Sec. 25.27.240. Service of lien.
 (a) The agency of this state or another state, or a party or other entity seeking to enforce a child support obligation, may, at any time after recording of a lien recorded under AS 25.27.230, serve a copy of the lien upon any person, political subdivision, or department of the state possessing earnings, or deposits or balances held in any bank account of any nature that are due, owing, or belonging to the obligor.

 (b) A lien recorded under AS 25.27.230 shall be served upon a person, political subdivision, or department of the state personally or by registered, certified, or insured mail, return receipt requested.

Sec. 25.27.244. Adverse action against delinquent obligor’s occupational license.
 (a) The agency shall compile and maintain a list of obligors who are not in substantial compliance with a support order or payment schedule negotiated under (g)(1) of this section. The agency may not include an obligor on the list unless the agency has sent to the obligor, at the obligor’s most recent address on file with the agency, written notice of the arrearages at least 60 days before placement on the list. The list must include the names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and last known addresses of the persons. The list shall be updated by the agency on a monthly basis.

 (b) The agency shall, on a monthly basis, provide a copy of the list to each licensing entity through a computer readable magnetic medium. A licensing entity subject to this section shall implement procedures to accept and process the list. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, a licensing entity may not issue or renew a license for a person on the list except as provided in this section.

 (c) Promptly after receiving an application from an applicant and before issuing or renewing a license, a licensing entity, other than one issuing commercial crewmember fishing licenses, shall determine whether the applicant is on the most recent list provided by the agency. If the applicant is on the list, the licensing entity shall immediately serve notice under (e) of this section of the licensing entity’s intent to withhold issuance or renewal of the license. The notice shall be considered given when delivered personally to the applicant or deposited in the United States mail addressed to the applicant’s last known mailing address on file with the licensing entity.

 (d) Other than for a commercial crewmember fishing license, a licensing entity shall issue a temporary license valid for a period of 150 days to an applicant whose name is on the list if the applicant is otherwise eligible for a license. The temporary license may not be extended. Only one temporary license may be issued during a regular license term and its validity shall coincide with the first 150 days of that license term. A license for the full or remainder of the license term may be issued or renewed only upon compliance with this section. If a license or application is denied under this section, money paid by the applicant or licensee shall be refunded by the licensing entity after retention of the temporary license fee, if any.

 (e) Notices for use under (c) and (r) of this section shall be developed by each licensing entity under guidelines provided by the agency and are subject to approval by the agency. The notice must include the address and telephone number of the agency and shall emphasize the necessity of obtaining a release from the agency as a condition for the issuance or renewal of a license. The notice must inform an applicant whose license is governed by (d) of this section that the licensing entity shall issue a temporary license for 150 calendar days under (d) of this section if the applicant is otherwise eligible and that, upon expiration of that time period, the license will be denied unless the licensing entity has received a release from the agency. The agency shall also develop a form that the applicant may use to request a review by the agency. A copy of this form shall be included with each notice sent under (c) or (r) of this section.

 (f) The agency shall establish review procedures consistent with this section to allow an applicant to have the underlying arrearages and relevant defenses investigated, to provide an applicant information on the process of obtaining a modification of a support order, or to provide an applicant assistance in the establishment of a payment schedule on arrearages if the circumstances warrant.

 (g) If the applicant wishes to challenge being included on the list, the applicant shall submit to the agency a written request for review within 30 days after receiving the notice under (c) or (r) of this section by using the form developed under (e) of this section. Within 30 days after receiving a written request for review, the agency shall inform the applicant in writing of the agency’s findings. The agency shall immediately send a release to the appropriate licensing entity and the applicant if any of the following conditions is met:
     (1) the applicant is found to be in substantial compliance with each support order applicable to the applicant or has negotiated an agreement with the agency for a payment schedule on arrearages and is in substantial compliance with the negotiated agreement; if the applicant fails to be in substantial compliance with an agreement negotiated under this paragraph, the agency shall send to the appropriate licensing entity a revocation of any release previously sent to the entity for that applicant;

     (2) the applicant has submitted a timely request for review to the agency, but the agency will be unable to complete the review and send notice of findings to the applicant in sufficient time for the applicant to file a timely request for judicial relief within the 150-day period during which the applicant’s temporary license is valid under (d) of this section; this paragraph applies only if the delay in completing the review process is not the result of the applicant’s failure to act in a reasonable, timely, and diligent manner upon receiving notice from the licensing entity that the applicant’s name is on the list;

     (3) the applicant has, within 30 days after receiving the agency’s findings following a request for review under (2) of this subsection, filed and served a request for judicial relief under this section, but a resolution of that relief will not be made within the 150-day period of the temporary license under (d) of this section; this paragraph applies only if the delay in completing the judicial relief process is not the result of the applicant’s failure to act in a reasonable, timely, and diligent manner upon receiving the agency’s notice of findings; or

     (4) the applicant has obtained a judicial finding of substantial compliance.

 (h) An applicant is required to act with diligence in responding to notices from the licensing entity and the agency with the recognition that the temporary license granted under (d) of this section will lapse after 150 days and that the agency and, where appropriate, the court must have time to act within that 150-day period. An applicant’s delay in acting, without good cause, that directly results in the inability of the agency to complete a review of the applicant’s request or the court to hear the request for judicial relief within the required period does not constitute the diligence required under this section that would justify the issuance of a release.

 (i) Except as otherwise provided in this section, the agency may not issue a release if the applicant is not in substantial compliance with the order for support or with an agreement negotiated under (g)(1) of this section. The agency shall notify the applicant in writing that the applicant may request any or all of the following: (1) judicial relief from the agency’s decision not to issue a release or the agency’s decision to revoke a release under (g)(1) of this section; (2) a judicial determination of substantial compliance; (3) a modification of the support order. The notice must also contain the name and address of the court in which the applicant may file the request for relief and inform the applicant that the applicant’s name shall remain on the list if the applicant does not request judicial relief within 30 days after receiving the notice. The applicant shall comply with all statutes and rules of court implementing this section. This section does not limit an applicant’s authority under other law to request an order to show cause or notice of motion to modify a support order or to fix a payment schedule on arrearages accruing under a support order or to obtain a court finding of substantial compliance with a support order or a court finding of compliance with subpoenas and warrants described in (a) of this section.

 (j) A request for judicial relief from the agency’s decision must state the grounds on which relief is requested, and the judicial action shall be limited to those stated grounds. Judicial relief under this subsection is not an appeal and shall be governed by court rules adopted to implement this section. Unless otherwise provided by court rule, the court shall hold an evidentiary hearing within 20 calendar days after the filing of service on the opposing party. The court’s decision shall be limited to a determination of each of the following issues, as applicable:
     (1) whether there is a support order or a payment schedule on arrearages;

     (2) whether the petitioner is the obligor covered by the support order; and

     (3) whether the obligor is in substantial compliance with the support order or payment schedule.

 (k) If the court finds that the person requesting relief is in substantial compliance with the support order or payment schedule, the agency shall immediately send a release under (g) of this section to the appropriate licensing entity and the applicant.

 (l) If an applicant is in substantial compliance with a support order or payment schedule, the agency shall mail to the applicant and the appropriate licensing entity a release stating that the applicant is in substantial compliance. The receipt of a release shall serve to notify the applicant and the licensing entity that, for the purposes of this section, the applicant is in substantial compliance with the support order or payment schedule unless the agency, under (a) of this section, certifies subsequent to the issuance of a release that the applicant is once again not in substantial compliance with a support order or payment schedule.

 (m) The agency may enter into interagency agreements with the state agencies that have responsibility for the administration of licensing entities as necessary to implement this section to the extent that it is cost effective to implement the interagency agreements. The agreements shall provide for the receipt by the other state agencies and licensing entities of federal money to cover that portion of costs allowable in federal law and regulation and incurred by the state agencies and licensing entities in implementing this section.

 (n) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the licensing entities subject to this section shall assess a fee for issuance of a temporary license under this section. The licensing entity shall set the amount of the fee so that the fees collected under this section, to the extent reasonable, cover the costs of implementing and administering this section.

 (o) The process described in (g) of this section is the sole administrative remedy for contesting the issuance to the applicant of a temporary license or the denial of a license under this section. The procedures specified in AS 44.62.330 — 44.62.630 do not apply to the denial or failure to issue or renew a license under this section.

 (p) The agency and licensing entities, as appropriate, shall adopt regulations necessary to implement this section.

 (q) Notwithstanding any provision of AS 16, a commercial crewmember fishing license described in (s)(2)(A)(xvi) of this section issued to an individual whose name is on the list is void and invalid, and the individual is subject to criminal sanctions for conducting the activities for which such a license is required. The licensing entity for commercial crewmember fishing licenses shall print a notice on commercial crewmember fishing license forms stating the provisions of this subsection.

 (r) After receiving information, including information from a licensing agent appointed under AS 16.05.380, that a commercial crewmember fishing license has been issued to an applicant, the licensing entity for the license shall promptly determine whether the applicant was, at the time the applicant obtained the license, on the most recent list provided by the agency under (b) of this section. If the applicant was on that list, the licensing entity shall immediately serve notice under (e) of this section that the license is void and invalid and that, notwithstanding the limitation of (d) of this section, the applicant can request the licensing entity to issue a temporary license under this section. A notice under this subsection is considered given when delivered personally to the applicant or deposited in the United States mail addressed to the applicant’s last known mailing address on file with the licensing entity.

 (s) In this section,
     (1) “applicant” means a person applying for issuance or renewal of a license;

     (2) “license”
          (A) means, except as provided in (B) of this paragraph, a license, certificate, permit, registration, or other authorization that, at the time of issuance, will be valid for more than 150 days and that may be acquired from a state agency to perform an occupation, including the following:
               (i) license relating to boxing or wrestling under AS 05.10;

               (ii) authorization to perform an occupation regulated under AS 08;

               (iii) teacher certificate under AS 14.20;

               (iv) authorization under AS 18.08 to perform emergency medical services;

               (v) asbestos worker certification under AS 18.31;

               (vi) boiler operator’s license under AS 18.60.395;

               (vii) certificate of fitness under AS 18.62;

               (viii) hazardous painting certification under AS 18.63;

               (ix) security guard license under AS 18.65.400 — 18.65.490;

               (x) license relating to insurance under AS 21.27;

               (xi) employment agency permit under AS 23.15.330 — 23.15.520;

               (xii) registration as a broker-dealer, an agent, an investment adviser, or an investment adviser representative under AS 45.56.300 — 45.56.350;

               (xiii) certification as a pesticide applicator under AS 46.03.320;

               (xiv) certification as a storage tank worker or contractor under AS 46.03.375;

               (xv) certification as a water and wastewater works operator under AS 46.30;

               (xvi) commercial crewmember fishing license under AS 16.05.480 other than an entry permit or interim-use permit under AS 16.43;

               (xvii) fish transporter permit under AS 16.05.671;

               (xviii) [Repealed, § 5 ch 30 SLA 2016.]
               (xix) [Repealed, § 5 ch 30 SLA 2016.]
          (B) does not include
               (i) a vessel license issued under AS 16.05.490 or 16.05.530;

               (ii) a business license issued under AS 43.70;

               (iii) an entry permit or interim-use permit issued under AS 16.43; or

               (iv) a driver’s license issued under AS 28.15;

     (3) “licensee” means a person holding a license or applying to renew a license;

     (4) “licensing entity” means the state agency that issues or renews a license; in the case of a license issued or renewed by the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development after an applicant’s qualifications are determined by another agency, “licensing entity” means the department;

     (5) “list” means the list of obligors and other persons compiled and maintained under (a) of this section;

     (6) “substantial compliance” regarding a support order or payment schedule means that, with respect to periodic payments required under a support order or a negotiated payment schedule under (g) of this section, whichever is applicable, the obligor has
          (A) no arrearage;

          (B) an arrearage in an amount that is not more than four times the monthly obligation under the support order or payment schedule; or

          (C) been determined by a court to be making the best efforts possible under the obligor’s circumstances to have no arrearages under any support order that requires periodic payments or under a negotiated payment schedule relating to child support.

Sec. 25.27.246. Adverse action against delinquent obligor’s driver’s license.
 (a) The agency shall compile and maintain a list of obligors who have a driver’s license, and either (1) are not in substantial compliance with a support order, or (2) whose names are required to be placed on the list under (p)(2) of this section. The agency may not include an obligor on the list unless the agency has sent to the obligor, at the obligor’s most recent address on file with the agency, written notice of the arrearages at least 60 days before placement on the list. The list must include the names, social security numbers, dates of birth, and last known addresses of the persons. The list shall be updated by the agency on a monthly basis.

 (b) The agency shall serve notice under (d) of this section to each person on the list that the person’s driver’s license will be suspended in 150 days, and will not be reissued or renewed the next time it is applied for if the person’s name is on the list at the time of the subsequent application, unless the licensee receives a release from the agency. The notice shall be considered given when delivered personally to the person or deposited in the United States mail addressed to the person’s last known mailing address on file with the agency.

 (c) If the licensee fails to obtain a release during the 150-day period following notice under (b) and (d) of this section or if the agency revokes a release of a person’s license under (n) or (o) of this section, the agency shall notify the department that the licensee’s driver’s license should be suspended and further renewals or applications should be denied until the agency sends the department a release for the licensee. Upon receiving the agency’s notice under this subsection, the department shall suspend the licensee’s driver’s license and may not issue or renew a driver’s license for the licensee until the department receives a release to do so from the agency. If a license is suspended or an application is denied under this section, money paid by the applicant or licensee may not be refunded by the department.

 (d) The notice under (b) of this section must include the address and telephone number of the agency and shall emphasize the necessity of obtaining a release from the agency as a condition for avoiding suspension or denial of the person’s driver’s license. The notice must also inform the licensee that, if a license is suspended or an application is denied under this section, money paid by the licensee will not be refunded by the department. The agency shall also develop a form that the licensee may use to request a review by the agency. A copy of this form shall be included with each notice sent under (b) of this section.

 (e) The agency shall establish review procedures consistent with this section to allow a licensee to have the underlying arrearages and relevant defenses investigated, to provide a licensee with information on the process of obtaining a modification of a support order, or to provide a licensee with assistance in the establishment of a payment schedule on arrearages if the circumstances warrant.

 (f) If a licensee wishes to challenge being included on the list, the licensee shall submit to the agency a written request for review within 30 days after the notice under (b) of this section was personally delivered or postmarked by using the form developed under (d) of this section. Within 30 days after receiving a written request for review, the agency shall inform the licensee in writing of the agency’s findings. The agency shall immediately send a release to the department and the licensee if any of the following conditions is met:
     (1) the licensee is found to be in substantial compliance with each support order applicable to the licensee or has negotiated an agreement with the agency for a payment schedule on arrearages and is in substantial compliance with the negotiated agreement;

     (2) the licensee has submitted a timely request for review to the agency, but the agency will be unable to complete the review and send notice of findings to the licensee in sufficient time for the licensee to file a timely request for judicial relief within the 150-day period before the licensee’s license will be suspended under (c) of this section; this paragraph applies only if the delay in completing the review process is not the result of the licensee’s failure to act in a reasonable, timely, and diligent manner upon receiving notice from the agency that the licensee’s driver’s license will be suspended in 150 days;

     (3) the licensee has, within 30 days after receiving the agency’s findings following a request for review under (2) of this subsection, filed and served a request for judicial relief under this section, but a resolution of that relief will not be made within the 150-day period before license suspension under (c) of this section; this paragraph applies only if the delay in completing the judicial relief process is not the result of the licensee’s failure to act in a reasonable, timely, and diligent manner upon receiving the agency’s notice of findings; or

     (4) the licensee has obtained a judicial finding of substantial compliance.

 (g) A licensee is required to act with diligence in responding to notices from the agency with the recognition that the person’s driver’s license will be suspended after 150 days or that a subsequent license will not be issued and that the agency and, where appropriate, the court must have time to act within that 150-day period or before the subsequent license is needed, as applicable. A licensee’s delay in acting, without good cause, that directly results in the inability of the agency to complete a review of the licensee’s request or the court to hear the request for judicial relief within the required period does not constitute the diligence required under this section that would justify the issuance of a release.

 (h) If the agency refuses to release the license under (f) of this section or the agency revokes a release under (n) or (o) of this section, the agency shall notify the licensee in writing that the licensee may request any or all of the following: (1) judicial relief from the agency’s decision not to issue a release or the agency’s decision to revoke a release under (n) or (o) of this section; (2) a judicial determination of substantial compliance; (3) a modification of the support order. The notice must also contain the name and address of the court in which the licensee may file the request for relief. The licensee shall comply with all statutes and rules of court implementing this section. This section does not limit a licensee’s authority under other law to request an order to show cause or notice of motion to modify a support order or to fix a payment schedule on arrearages accruing under a support order or to obtain a court finding of substantial compliance with a support order.

 (i) A request for judicial relief from the agency’s decision not to issue a release under (f) of this section or from the agency’s decision to revoke a release under (n) or (o) of this section must state the grounds on which relief is requested, and the judicial action shall be limited to those stated grounds. Judicial relief under this subsection is not an appeal and shall be governed by court rules adopted to implement this section. Unless otherwise provided by court rule, the court shall hold an evidentiary hearing within 20 calendar days after the filing of service on the opposing party. The court’s decision shall be limited to a determination of each of the following issues, as applicable:
     (1) whether there is a support order or a payment schedule on arrearages;

     (2) whether the petitioner is the obligor covered by the support order; and

     (3) whether the obligor is in substantial compliance with the support order or payment schedule.

 (j) If the court finds that the person requesting relief is in substantial compliance with the support order or payment schedule, the agency shall immediately send a release under (f) of this section to the department and the licensee.

 (k) If a licensee is in substantial compliance with a support order or payment schedule, the agency shall mail to the licensee and the department a release stating that the licensee is in substantial compliance. The receipt of a release shall serve to notify the licensee and the department that, for the purposes of this section, the licensee is in substantial compliance with the support order or payment schedule unless the agency
     (1) under (a) of this section, certifies subsequent to the issuance of a release that the licensee is once again not in substantial compliance with a support order; or

     (2) under (n), (o), or (p) of this section, revokes a release because the licensee is not in substantial compliance with a payment schedule negotiated under this section.

 (l) The process described in (f) of this section is the sole administrative remedy for contesting the suspension or the denial of a driver’s license under this section. The procedures specified in AS 28 or AS 44.62.330 — 44.62.630 do not apply to the suspension or failure to issue or renew a license under this section.

 (m) The agency and department, as appropriate, shall adopt regulations necessary to implement this section.

 (n) If the agency releases a license under (f)(2) or (3) of this section because the review could not be completed within the 150-day period, the review process, including any request for judicial relief, may be completed after the 150-day period. If, at the completion of the review process, the licensee is found not to be in substantial compliance with each support order applicable to the licensee and has not entered into a payment schedule under this section, the agency shall send to the department a revocation of the release previously sent to the department for that licensee. The agency shall send notice of the revocation to the licensee as provided in (h) of this section.

 (o) Except as provided in (p) of this section, if the licensee fails to be in substantial compliance with a payment schedule negotiated under this section, the agency shall send to the department a revocation of any release previously sent to the department for that licensee. The agency shall send notice of the revocation to the licensee as provided in (h) of this section.

 (p) If a licensee fails to be in substantial compliance with a payment schedule negotiated under this section but paid the monthly obligation under the payment schedule for at least two years immediately after the schedule was negotiated, the agency shall
     (1) revoke the release previously granted to the licensee under this section and notify the department and licensee that the release has been revoked; the licensee may not challenge the revocation of this release; upon receiving the agency’s notice under this paragraph, the department may not suspend the licensee’s driver’s license or refuse to issue or renew a driver’s license for the licensee unless the department subsequently receives a new notice to do so from the agency under (c) of this section;

     (2) initiate new proceedings against the licensee under this section by placing the licensee’s name on the list compiled under (a) of this section after following the procedures required under (a) of this section;

     (3) follow the procedures of this section with respect to the licensee as if it were the first time that the licensee’s name had been placed on the list compiled under (a) of this section, except that the agency may either negotiate a new payment schedule under (f)(1) of this section or seek to enforce the previously negotiated payment schedule.

 (q) In this section,
     (1) “department” means the Department of Administration;

     (2) “driver’s license” or “license” means a driver’s license, as defined in AS 28.90.990;

     (3) “licensee” means a person holding or requesting a driver’s license;

     (4) “list” means the list of obligors and other persons compiled and maintained under (a) of this section;

     (5) “substantial compliance” regarding a support order or payment schedule means that, with respect to periodic payments required under a support order or a negotiated payment schedule under (f) of this section, whichever is applicable, the obligor has
          (A) no arrearage;

          (B) an arrearage in an amount that is not more than four times the monthly obligation under the support order or payment schedule; or

          (C) been determined by a court to be making the best efforts possible under the obligor’s circumstances to have no arrearages under any support order that requires periodic payments or under a negotiated payment schedule relating to child support.

Sec. 25.27.250. Order to withhold and deliver.
 (a) Without prior notice to the obligor, the agency may issue to any person, including an entity, political subdivision, or state agency, an order to withhold and deliver property under this section; the order may be issued
     (1) immediately upon issuance of an income withholding order that provides for immediate income withholding under AS 25.27.062(a);

     (2) immediately after an arrearage occurs under a support order described in AS 25.27.150(a);

     (3) at the expiration of 30 days after the date of service of a notice and finding of financial responsibility under AS 25.27.160; or

     (4) at the expiration of 30 days after service of a decision establishing paternity and financial responsibility under AS 25.27.165.

 (b) All real or personal property belonging to the obligor is subject to an order to withhold and deliver, including, but not limited to, earnings that are due, owing, or belonging to the debtor. In calculating the amount to be withheld and delivered under an order issued under this section, the agency shall give credit to the obligor for the cost to the obligor of medical and dental insurance for the children and educational payments for the children to the extent that the insurance coverage and educational payments are required in the applicable child support order and are actually paid for by the obligor.

 (c) The agency may issue an order to withhold and deliver when it has reason to believe that there is in the possession of a person, political subdivision, or department of the state property that is due, owing, or belonging to the obligor.

 (d) The order to withhold and deliver shall be served upon the person, political subdivision, or department of the state possessing the property electronically or in the manner provided for service of liens under AS 25.27.240. The order must state the amount of the obligor’s liability and must state in summary the terms of AS 25.27.260 and 25.27.270.

 (e) Any person, political subdivision, or department of the state served with an order to withhold and deliver is required to make true answers to inquiries contained in the order under oath and in writing within 14 days after service of the order, and is further required to answer all inquiries subsequently put.

 (f) If a person, political subdivision, or department of the state upon whom service of an order to withhold and deliver has been made possesses property due, owing, or belonging to the obligor, that person, subdivision, or department shall withhold the property immediately upon receipt of the order and shall deliver the property to the agency (1) if the property is earnings of an employee who is subject to a child support order being enforced by the agency, within seven business days after the amount would, but for this section, have been paid or credited to the employee; or (2) in the case of all other property, within 14 business days after the date of service of the order. The agency shall hold property delivered under this subsection in trust for application against the liability of the obligor under AS 25.27.062, 25.27.120, or 25.27.160 or for return, without interest, depending on final determination of liability or nonliability under this chapter. The agency may accept a good and sufficient bond to secure payment of past, present, and future support conditioned upon final determination of liability in lieu of requiring delivery of property under this subsection.

 (g) Delivery to the agency of the money or other property due, owing, or belonging to the obligor shall satisfy the requirement of the order to withhold and deliver. Delivery of money due and owing to the obligor under any contract of employment, express or implied, or held by any person, political subdivision, or department of the state, and subject to withdrawal by the obligor, shall be delivered by remittance payable to the order of the agency.

 (h) [Repealed, § 148(a) ch 87 SLA 1997.]
 (i) An order to withhold and deliver under this section has priority over all other attachments, executions, garnishments, or other legal process brought under state law against the same property unless otherwise ordered by the court. Exemptions under AS 09.38 do not apply to proceedings to enforce the payment of child support under AS 25.27.230 — 25.27.270; however, net disposable earnings are exempt from execution as provided in 15 U.S.C. 1673(b). In this subsection, “net disposable earnings” has the meaning given in 15 U.S.C. 1672.

 (j) A person, political subdivision, or department that fails to comply with an order to withhold and deliver served under this subsection is subject to penalties under AS 25.27.260. A person, political subdivision, or department may, for each payment made under an order to withhold and deliver, deduct $5 from other wages or salary owed to the obligor.

Sec. 25.27.253. Earnings subject to an order or lien.
 (a) A person, political subdivision, or department of the state shall withhold the earnings of the obligor subject to an order or lien at each succeeding interval of payment until the entire amount of the debt stated in the order to withhold and deliver has been withheld.

 (b) An order to withhold and deliver issued to the Department of Revenue remains in effect throughout the calendar year in which it is served. That order applies to any tax refund or other disbursements to which the obligor is entitled even if the tax refund or disbursement is issued more than 30 days after service of the order.

Sec. 25.27.255. Disposition of payments under income withholding orders.
 (a) The agency shall pay to the obligee all money recovered by the agency from the obligor under an income withholding order except for court costs and money assigned to the agency under AS 25.27.120 — 25.27.130. However, if there is more than one income withholding order under this chapter against an obligor, the agency shall allocate amounts available for withholding in a manner that gives priority to current support up to the limits imposed under 15 U.S.C. 1673(b) (sec. 303(b), Consumer Credit Protection Act). Notwithstanding the priority given to current support, the agency shall establish procedures for allocation of support among obligees so that in no case will the allocation result in a withholding order for one obligee not being implemented.

 (b) [Repealed, § 34 ch 7 FSSLA 1994.]
 (c) [Repealed, § 34 ch 7 FSSLA 1994.]

Sec. 25.27.260. Civil liability upon failure to comply with an order or lien.
 (a) If a person, political subdivision, or department of the state (1) fails to make an answer to an order to withhold and deliver within the time prescribed in AS 25.27.250; (2) fails or refuses to deliver property in accordance with an order issued under AS 25.27.250; (3) pays over, releases, sells, transfers, or conveys real property subject to a lien recorded under AS 25.27.230 to or for the benefit of the obligor or any other person; (4) fails or refuses to surrender upon demand property attached; or (5) intentionally fails or refuses to honor an assignment of wages or an income withholding order under AS 25.27.062 that was served by the agency through personal service by a process server or through certified mail, return receipt requested, the person, political subdivision, or department of the state is liable to the agency in an amount equal to 100 percent of the amount constituting the basis of the lien, order to withhold and deliver, attachment, or withholding of wages or income, together with costs, interest, and reasonable attorney fees.

 (b) A person, political subdivision, or department of the state that intentionally fails or refuses to honor a properly served income withholding order under AS 25.27.062 that is not being enforced by the agency is liable to the obligee in an amount equal to 100 percent of the amount ordered to be withheld together with costs, interest, and reasonable attorney fees.

Sec. 25.27.265. Method of service; notification of change of address.
 (a) Except as otherwise provided under this chapter, when a notice, paper, or other document is required by this chapter to be given or served upon a person by the agency, the notice, paper, or other document may be served as required by Rule 5, Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure or any other method permitted by law.

 (b) Each party to a paternity or child support proceeding shall file with the tribunal and inform the agency of the party’s name, location, social security number, residential and mailing addresses, telephone number, and driver’s license number, as well as the name, address, and telephone number of any employer of the party. If a change in this information occurs, the party shall immediately notify the tribunal and the agency and provide updated information.

 (c) Notwithstanding (a) of this section, if a tribunal finds that the agency has made diligent efforts to give or serve a notice, paper, or other document required by this chapter, the tribunal may order that service in any subsequent child support enforcement effort by the agency may be given upon the party by sending the document by first class mail to the party’s most recent mailing address on file with the agency.

Sec. 25.27.270. Judicial relief from administrative execution.
Any person against whose property a lien has been recorded under AS 25.27.230 or an order to withhold and deliver served in accordance with AS 25.27.250 may apply for relief to the superior court.

Sec. 25.27.273. Reporting of payment information concerning delinquent obligors.
 (a) The agency may provide to credit bureaus or lending institutions of any kind information about delinquent support owed by obligors. The information provided must consist solely of the payment history of the obligor.

 (b) Upon an obligor’s payment of delinquent support, the agency shall immediately notify all credit bureaus and lending institutions that were furnished information about the obligor under (a) of this section that the obligor is no longer delinquent.

Sec. 25.27.275. Nondisclosure of information in exceptional circumstances.
Upon a finding, which may be made ex parte, that the health, safety, or liberty of a party or child would be unreasonably put at risk by the disclosure of identifying information, or if an existing order so provides, a tribunal shall order that the address of the party or child or other identifying information not be disclosed in a pleading or other document filed in a proceeding under this chapter. A person aggrieved by an order of nondisclosure issued under this section that is based on an ex parte finding is entitled on request to a formal hearing, within 30 days of when the order was issued, at which the person may contest the order.

Sec. 25.27.278. Payments not disbursed.
Support payments collected and held by the agency for seven years without disbursal shall be returned to the obligor.

Sec. 25.27.279. Voiding of fraudulent transfers made to avoid payment of child support.
In addition to the rights provided in AS 09.25.060, if a transfer of personal or real property is made by an obligor without immediate delivery and the actual continuing change of possession of the property transferred, the transfer of the property is presumed prima facie to be fraud against creditors for child support of the obligor who transferred the property and subsequent purchasers in good faith and for valuable consideration during the time the property remains in the possession of the obligor who made the transfer, except that retention of possession in good faith and current course of trade by a merchant seller for a commercially reasonable time after the sale or identification is not fraudulent. Nothing contained in this section supersedes the provisions of AS 45.01AS 45.08, AS 45.12, AS 45.14, and AS 45.29 (Uniform Commercial Code).

Sec. 25.27.280. Severability: Alternative when method of notification held invalid.
If any provision of this chapter or the application of it to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are severable. If any method of notification provided for in this chapter is held invalid, service as provided for by the laws of the state for service of process in a civil action shall be substituted for the method held invalid.

Sec. 25.27.300. Requests pertaining to remarriage.
The agency shall, at the request of a person who is an obligor under a support order enforced by the agency that includes support for a parent with whom a child is living or at the request of a child support enforcement agency of another jurisdiction that is enforcing a support order that includes support for a parent with whom a child is living, request the Bureau of Vital Statistics to disclose to the agency whether the parent has remarried in the state after a specified date if the support order provides that the support for the parent is payable only until the parent remarries. The agency may disclose to the obligor or other child support enforcement agency, as applicable, the information provided by the bureau.

Sec. 25.27.320. Interest on agency return of certain overpayments.
 (a) If the agency disburses money to an obligor because the agency made an error and mistakenly required the obligor to overpay under a support order enforced by the agency, the agency shall include interest with the disbursement at the rate of six percent a year. The interest accrues from the date the payment at issue was received by the agency, regardless of when the payment is determined to be an overpayment.

 (b) The provisions of (a) of this section do not apply to situations where the agency is ordered by a court to return money to an obligor based on the obligor’s being the prevailing party in a court action.

Sec. 25.27.900. Definitions.
In this chapter,
     (1) “agency” means the child support services agency;

     (2) “arrearage” means a debt that is past due and equal to at least one monthly obligation under the support order for one or more of the following:
          (A) monetary support;

          (B) cash medical support;

          (C) payment of health care costs or maintenance of health insurance;

          (D) reimbursement of related costs;

          (E) payment of attorney fees and legal costs and other fees;

          (F) penalty, interest, and other relief as required by a support order;

     (3) “assistance under AS 47.27,” “assistance granted under AS 47.27,” or “assistance paid on behalf of the obligee under AS 47.27” means cash assistance provided under AS 47.27 (Alaska temporary assistance program);

     (4) “business day” means a day on which state government offices are open for regular business;

     (5) “department” means the Department of Revenue;

     (6) “duty of support” includes a duty of support imposed or imposable by law, by a court order, decree, or judgment, or by a finding or decision rendered under this chapter whether interlocutory or final, whether incidental to a proceeding for divorce, legal separation, separate maintenance, or otherwise, and includes the duty to pay arrearages of support past due and unpaid together with penalties and interest on arrearages imposed under AS 25.27.020(a)(2)(B) and the duty to provide health care coverage in compliance with AS 25.27.060(c) and 25.27.063;

     (7) “earnings” includes income from any form of periodic payment due to an individual, regardless of source; the gain derived from the investment of capital, from labor, or from a combination of investment and labor; and the interest on any of this income; in this paragraph, “periodic payment” includes wages, salaries, commissions, bonuses, workers’ compensation, disability benefits, and payments under a pension or retirement program;

     (8) “employer” means an individual or entity within the meaning given that term in 26 U.S.C. 3401(d); “employer” includes a governmental entity or a labor organization;

     (9) “high-volume automated administrative enforcement” means the use of automatic data processing to search various state data bases, including license records, employment service data, and state new-hire registries, to determine whether information is available regarding a parent who owes a child support obligation;

     (10) “obligee” means a person to whom a duty of support is owed;

     (11) “obligor” means a person owing a duty of support;

     (12) “support order” means any judgment, decree, or order that is issued by a tribunal for the support and maintenance of a child or of a parent with whom the child is living; “support order” includes a judgment, decree, or order
          (A) on behalf of a child who has reached the age of majority if the judgment, decree, or order was lawfully issued; and

          (B) for any or all of the following:
               (i) monetary support, including arrearages;

               (ii) payment of health care costs or maintenance of health insurance;

               (iii) payment of cash medical support;

               (iv) reimbursement of related costs;

               (v) payment of attorney fees and legal costs and other fees; or

               (vi) penalty, interest, and other relief as required by a tribunal;

     (13) “tribunal” means a court, administrative agency, or quasi-judicial entity authorized to establish, enforce, or modify support orders or to determine parentage.

Article 1. Jurisdiction.

Chapter 30. Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act.

Secs. 25.30.010 — 25.35.230. Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act. [Repealed, § 4 ch 133 SLA 1998.]
Sec. 25.30.300. Initial child custody jurisdiction.
 (a) Except as otherwise provided in AS 25.30.330, a court of this state has jurisdiction to make an initial child custody determination only if
     (1) this state is the home state of the child on the date of the commencement of the proceeding;

     (2) this state was the home state of the child within six months before the commencement of the proceeding and the child is absent from this state but a parent or person acting as a parent continues to live in this state;

     (3) a court of another state does not have jurisdiction under provisions substantially similar to (1) or (2) of this subsection, or a court of the home state of the child has declined to exercise jurisdiction on the ground that this state is the more appropriate forum under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.360 or 25.30.370, and
          (A) the child and the child’s parents, or the child and at least one parent or a person acting as a parent, have a significant connection with this state other than mere physical presence; and

          (B) substantial evidence is available in this state concerning the child’s care, protection, training, and personal relationships;

     (4) all courts having jurisdiction under the criteria specified in (1) — (3) of this subsection have declined to exercise jurisdiction on the ground that a court of this state is the more appropriate forum to determine the custody of the child under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.360 or 25.30.370; or

     (5) no court of another state would have jurisdiction under the criteria specified in (1) — (4) of this subsection.

 (b) The provisions of (a) of this section are the exclusive jurisdictional bases for making a child custody determination by a court of this state.

 (c) Physical presence of or personal jurisdiction over a party or a child is not necessary or sufficient to make a child custody determination.

Sec. 25.30.310. Exclusive, continuing jurisdiction.
 (a) Except as otherwise provided in AS 25.30.330, a court of this state that has made a child custody determination consistent with AS 25.30.300 or 25.30.320 has exclusive, continuing jurisdiction over the determination until
     (1) a court of this state determines that neither the child, the child and one parent, nor the child and a person acting as a parent have a significant connection with this state and that substantial evidence is no longer available in this state concerning the child’s care, protection, training, and personal relationships; or

     (2) a court of this state or a court of another state determines that neither the child, nor a parent, nor a person acting as a parent presently resides in this state.

 (b) A court of this state that has made a child custody determination and does not have exclusive, continuing jurisdiction under this section may modify that determination only if it has jurisdiction to make an initial determination under AS 25.30.300.

Sec. 25.30.320. Jurisdiction to modify determination.
Except as otherwise provided in AS 25.30.330, a court of this state may not modify a child custody determination made by a court of another state unless a court of this state has jurisdiction to make an initial determination under AS 25.30.300(a)(1), (2), or (3) and
     (1) the court of the other state determines it no longer has exclusive, continuing jurisdiction under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.310 or that a court of this state would be a more convenient forum under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.360; or

     (2) a court of this state or a court of the other state determines that neither the child, nor a parent, nor a person acting as a parent presently resides in the other state.

Sec. 25.30.330. Temporary emergency jurisdiction.
 (a) A court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction if the child is present in this state and the child has been abandoned or it is necessary in an emergency to protect the child because the child, or a sibling or parent of the child, is subjected to or threatened with mistreatment or abuse.

 (b) If there is no previous child custody determination that is entitled to be enforced under this chapter and if a child custody proceeding has not been commenced in a court of a state having jurisdiction under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320, a child custody determination made under this section remains in effect until an order is obtained from a court of a state having jurisdiction under AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320 or provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320. If a child custody proceeding has not been or is not commenced in a court of a state having jurisdiction under AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320 or provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320, a child custody determination made under this section becomes a final determination if it so provides and this state becomes the home state of the child.

 (c) If there is a previous child custody determination that is entitled to be enforced under this chapter or a child custody proceeding has been commenced in a court of a state having jurisdiction under AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320 or provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320, an order issued by a court of this state under this section must specify in the order a period that the court considers adequate to allow the person seeking an order to obtain an order from the state having jurisdiction under AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320 or provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320. The order issued in this state remains in effect until an order is obtained from the other state within the period specified or the period expires.

 (d) A court of this state that has been asked to make a child custody determination under this section, on being informed that a child custody proceeding has been commenced in, or a child custody determination has been made by, a court of a state having jurisdiction under AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320 or provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320 shall immediately communicate with the other court. A court of this state that is exercising jurisdiction under AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320, on being informed that a child custody proceeding has been commenced in, or a child custody determination has been made by, a court of another state under a statute substantially similar to this section, shall immediately communicate with the court of that state to resolve the emergency, protect the safety of the parties and the child, and determine a period for the duration of the temporary order.

Sec. 25.30.340. Notice; opportunity to be heard; joinder.
 (a) Before a child custody determination is made under this chapter, notice and an opportunity to be heard in accordance with AS 25.30.840 shall be given to all persons entitled to notice under the law of this state as in child custody proceedings between residents of this state, a parent whose parental rights have not been previously terminated, and a person having physical custody of the child.

 (b) This chapter does not govern the enforceability of a child custody determination made without notice or an opportunity to be heard.

 (c) The obligation to join a party and the right to intervene as a party in a child custody proceeding under this chapter are governed by the law of this state as in child custody proceedings between residents of this state.

Sec. 25.30.350. Simultaneous proceedings.
 (a) Except as otherwise provided in AS 25.30.330, a court of this state may not exercise its jurisdiction under AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390 if, at the time of the commencement of the proceeding, a proceeding concerning the custody of the child had been previously commenced in a court of another state having jurisdiction substantially in conformity with this chapter unless the proceeding has been terminated or is stayed by the court of the other state because a court of this state is a more convenient forum under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.360.

 (b) Except as otherwise provided in AS 25.30.330, a court of this state, before hearing a child custody proceeding, shall examine the court documents and other information supplied by the parties under AS 25.30.380. If the court determines that a child custody proceeding has been commenced in a court in another state having jurisdiction substantially in accordance with this chapter, the court of this state shall stay its proceeding and communicate with the court of the other state. If the court of the state having jurisdiction substantially in accordance with this chapter does not determine that the court of this state is a more appropriate forum, the court of this state shall dismiss the proceeding.

 (c) In a proceeding to modify a child custody determination, a court of this state shall determine whether a proceeding to enforce the determination has been commenced in another state. If a proceeding to enforce a child custody determination has been commenced in another state, the court may
     (1) stay the proceeding for modification pending the entry of an order of a court of the other state enforcing, staying, denying, or dismissing the proceeding for enforcement;

     (2) enjoin the parties from continuing with the proceeding for enforcement; or

     (3) proceed with the modification under conditions it considers appropriate.

Sec. 25.30.360. Inconvenient forum.
 (a) A court of this state that has jurisdiction under this chapter to make a child custody determination may decline to exercise its jurisdiction at any time if it determines that it is an inconvenient forum under the circumstances and that a court of another state is a more appropriate forum. The issue of inconvenient forum may be raised on motion of a party, the court’s own motion, or request of another court.

 (b) Before determining whether it is an inconvenient forum, a court of this state shall consider whether it is appropriate for a court of another state to exercise jurisdiction. For this purpose, the court shall allow the parties to submit information and shall consider all relevant factors, including
     (1) whether domestic violence has occurred and is likely to continue in the future and which state could best protect the parties and the child;

     (2) the length of time the child has resided outside this state;

     (3) the distance between the court in this state and the court in the state that would assume jurisdiction;

     (4) the relative financial circumstances of the parties;

     (5) an agreement of the parties as to which state should assume jurisdiction;

     (6) the nature and location of the evidence required to resolve the pending litigation, including testimony of the child;

     (7) the ability of the court of each state to decide the issue expeditiously and the procedures necessary to present the evidence; and

     (8) the familiarity of the court of each state with the facts and issues in the pending litigation.

 (c) If a court of this state determines that it is an inconvenient forum and that a court of another state is a more appropriate forum, it shall stay the proceedings on condition that a child custody proceeding be promptly commenced in another designated state and may impose any other condition the court considers just and proper.

 (d) A court of this state may decline to exercise its jurisdiction under this chapter if a child custody determination is incidental to an action for divorce or another proceeding while still retaining jurisdiction over the divorce or other proceeding.

Sec. 25.30.370. Jurisdiction declined because of conduct.
 (a) Except as otherwise provided in AS 25.30.330, if a court of this state has jurisdiction under this chapter because a person invoking the jurisdiction has engaged in wrongful conduct, the court shall decline to exercise its jurisdiction unless
     (1) the parents and all persons acting as parents have acquiesced in the exercise of jurisdiction;

     (2) a court of the state otherwise having jurisdiction under AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320 determines that this state is a more appropriate forum under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.360; or

     (3) no court of another state would have jurisdiction under the criteria specified in AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320.

 (b) If a court of this state declines to exercise its jurisdiction under (a) of this section, it may fashion an appropriate remedy to ensure the safety of the child and prevent a repetition of the wrongful conduct, including staying the proceeding, until a child custody proceeding is commenced in a court having jurisdiction under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.320.

 (c) If a court dismisses a petition or stays a proceeding because it declines to exercise its jurisdiction under (a) of this section, that court shall assess against the party seeking to invoke its jurisdiction necessary and reasonable expenses, including costs, communication expenses, attorney fees, investigative fees, expenses for witnesses, travel expenses, and child care during the course of the proceedings, unless the party against whom the assessment is sought establishes that the assessment would be clearly inappropriate. The court may not assess fees, costs, or expenses against this state unless authorized by law other than this chapter.

Sec. 25.30.380. Information to be submitted to court.
 (a) Subject to a contravening court order, in a child custody proceeding, each party, in its first pleading or in an attached affidavit, shall give information, if reasonably ascertainable, under oath as to the child’s present address or whereabouts, the places where the child has lived during the last five years, and the names and present addresses of the persons with whom the child has lived during that period. The pleading or affidavit must state whether the party
     (1) has participated, as a party or witness or in another capacity, in another proceeding concerning the custody of or visitation with the child and, if so, identify the court, the case number, and the date of the child custody determination, if any;

     (2) knows of a proceeding that could affect the current proceeding, including a proceeding for enforcement and a proceeding relating to domestic violence, protective orders, termination of parental rights, and adoptions and, if so, identify the court, the case number, and the nature of the proceeding; and

     (3) knows the names and addresses of a person not a party to the proceeding who has physical custody of the child or claims rights of legal custody or physical custody of, or visitation with, the child and, if so, the names and addresses of those persons.

 (b) If the information required by (a) of this section is not furnished, the court, on motion of a party or its own motion, may stay the proceeding until the information is furnished.

 (c) If the declaration as to an item described in (a)(1) — (3) of this section is in the affirmative, the declarant shall give additional information under oath as required by the court. The court may examine the parties under oath as to details of the information furnished and other matters pertinent to the court’s jurisdiction and the disposition of the case.

 (d) Each party has a continuing duty to inform the court of a proceeding in this state or in another state that could affect the current proceeding.

 (e) If a party alleges in an affidavit or a pleading under oath that the health, safety, or liberty of a party or child would be jeopardized by disclosure of identifying information, the information shall be sealed and may not be disclosed to the other party or the public unless the court orders the disclosure to be made after a hearing in which the court takes into consideration the health, safety, or liberty of the party or child and determines that the disclosure is in the interest of justice.

Sec. 25.30.390. Appearance of parties and child.
 (a) In a child custody proceeding in this state, the court may order a party to the proceeding who is in this state to appear before the court personally with or without the child. The court may order a person who is in this state and who has physical custody or control of the child to appear in person with the child.

 (b) If a party to a child custody proceeding whose presence is desired by the court is outside this state, the court may order that a notice given under AS 25.30.840 include a statement directing the party to appear in person with or without the child and informing the party that failure to appear may result in a decision adverse to the party.

 (c) The court may enter orders necessary to ensure the safety of the child and of a person ordered to appear under this section.

 (d) If a party to a child custody proceeding who is outside this state is directed to appear under (b) of this section or desires to appear in person before the court with or without the child, the court may require another party to pay reasonable and necessary travel and other expenses of the party so appearing and of the child.

Article 2. Enforcement.
Sec. 25.30.400. Enforcement under the Hague Convention.
Under AS 25.30.400 — 25.30.590, a court of this state may enforce an order for the return of a child made under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction as if the order were a child custody determination.

Sec. 25.30.410. Duty to enforce.
 (a) A court of this state shall recognize and enforce a child custody determination of a court of another state if the court of the other state exercised jurisdiction in substantial conformity with this chapter or the determination was made under factual circumstances meeting the jurisdictional standards of this chapter and the determination has not been modified in accordance with this chapter.

 (b) A court of this state may use a remedy available under other law of this state to enforce a child custody determination made by a court of another state. The procedure provided by AS 25.30.400 — 25.30.590 does not affect the availability of other remedies to enforce a child custody determination.

Sec. 25.30.420. Temporary visitation.
 (a) A court of this state that does not have jurisdiction to modify a child custody determination may issue a temporary order enforcing
     (1) a visitation schedule made by a court of another state; or

     (2) the visitation provisions of a child custody determination of another state that does not provide for a specific visitation schedule.

 (b) If a court of this state makes an order under (a)(2) of this section, it shall specify in the order a period that it considers adequate to allow the petitioner to obtain an order from a court having jurisdiction under the criteria specified in AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390. The order remains in effect until an order is obtained from the other court or the period expires.

Sec. 25.30.430. Registration of child custody determination.
 (a) A child custody determination issued by a court of another state may be registered in this state, with or without a simultaneous request for enforcement, by sending to the appropriate court in this state
     (1) a letter or other document requesting registration;

     (2) two copies, including one certified copy, of the determination sought to be registered and a statement, under penalty of perjury, that to the best knowledge and belief of the person seeking registration the order has not been modified; and

     (3) except as otherwise provided in AS 25.30.380, the name and address of the person seeking registration and the parent or person acting as a parent who has been awarded custody or visitation in the child custody determination sought to be registered.

 (b) On receipt of the documents required by (a) of this section, the registering court shall
     (1) cause the determination to be filed as a foreign judgment, together with one copy of any accompanying documents and information, regardless of their form; and

     (2) serve notice on the persons named under (a)(3) of this section and provide them with an opportunity to contest the registration under this section.

 (c) The notice required by (b)(2) of this section must state that
     (1) a registered determination is enforceable as of the date of the registration in the same manner as a determination issued by a court of this state;

     (2) a hearing to contest the validity of the registered determination must be requested within 20 days after service of notice; and

     (3) failure to contest the registration will result in confirmation of the child custody determination and preclude further contest of that determination with respect to a matter that could have been asserted.

 (d) A person seeking to contest the validity of a registered order must request a hearing within 20 days after service of the notice. At that hearing, the court shall confirm the registered order unless the person contesting registration establishes that
     (1) the issuing court did not have jurisdiction under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390;

     (2) the child custody determination sought to be registered has been vacated, stayed, or modified by a court having jurisdiction to do so under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390; or

     (3) the person contesting registration was entitled to notice, but notice was not given in accordance with provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.840 in the proceedings before the court that issued the order for which registration is sought.

 (e) If a timely request for a hearing to contest the validity of the registration is not made, the registration is confirmed as a matter of law, and the person requesting registration and all persons served must be notified of the confirmation.

 (f) Confirmation of a registered order, whether by operation of law or after notice and hearing, precludes further contest of the order with respect to a matter that could have been asserted at the time of registration.

Sec. 25.30.440. Enforcement of registered determination.
 (a) A court of this state may grant relief normally available under the law of this state to enforce a registered child custody determination made by a court of another state.

 (b) A court of this state shall recognize and enforce, but may not modify except in accordance with AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390, a registered child custody determination of a court of another state.

Sec. 25.30.450. Simultaneous proceedings.
If a proceeding for enforcement under AS 25.30.400 — 25.30.590 is commenced in a court of this state and the court determines that a proceeding to modify the determination is pending in a court of another state having jurisdiction to modify the determination under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.400 — 25.30.590, the enforcing court shall immediately communicate with the modifying court. The proceeding for enforcement continues unless the enforcing court, after consultation with the modifying court, stays or dismisses the proceeding.

Sec. 25.30.460. Expedited enforcement of child custody determination.
 (a) A petition under AS 25.30.400 — 25.30.590 must be verified. A certified copy, or a copy of a certified copy, of the orders sought to be enforced and of an order, if any, confirming registration must be attached to the petition.

 (b) A petition for enforcement of a child custody determination must state
     (1) whether the court that issued the determination identified the jurisdictional basis it relied on in exercising jurisdiction and, if so, what the basis was;

     (2) whether the determination for which enforcement is sought has been vacated, stayed, or modified by a court whose decision must be enforced under this chapter and, if so, must identify the court, the case number, and the nature of the proceeding;

     (3) whether a proceeding has been commenced that could affect the current proceeding, including proceedings relating to domestic violence, protective orders, termination of parental rights, and adoptions and, if so, must identify the court, the case number, and the nature of the proceeding;

     (4) the present physical address of the child and the respondent, if known;

     (5) whether relief in addition to the immediate physical custody of the child and attorney fees is sought, including a request for assistance from law enforcement officials and, if so, the relief sought; and

     (6) if the child custody determination has been registered and confirmed under AS 25.30.430, the date and place of registration.

 (c) On the filing of a petition, the court shall issue an order directing the respondent to appear in person with or without the child at a hearing and may enter an order necessary to ensure the safety of the parties and the child. The hearing must be held on the next judicial day after service of the order unless that date is impossible. In that event, the court shall hold the hearing on the first judicial day possible. The court may extend the date of hearing at the request of the petitioner.

 (d) An order issued under (c) of this section must state the time and place of the hearing and advise the respondent that, at the hearing, the court will order that the petitioner may take immediate physical custody of the child and the payment of fees, costs, and expenses under AS 25.30.500 and may schedule a hearing to determine whether further relief is appropriate unless the respondent appears and establishes that
     (1) the child custody determination has not been registered and confirmed under AS 25.30.430, and that
          (A) the issuing court did not have jurisdiction under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390;

          (B) the child custody determination for which enforcement is sought has been vacated, stayed, or modified by a court having jurisdiction to do so under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390; or

          (C) the respondent was entitled to notice, but notice was not given in accordance with provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.840 in the proceedings before the court that issued the order for which enforcement is sought; or

     (2) the child custody determination for which enforcement is sought was registered and confirmed under AS 25.30.430 but has been vacated, stayed, or modified by a court having jurisdiction to do so under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390.

Sec. 25.30.470. Service of petition and order.
Except as otherwise provided in AS 25.30.490, the petition and order shall be served, by a method authorized by the law of this state, on the respondent and a person who has physical custody of the child.

Sec. 25.30.480. Hearing and order.
 (a) Unless the court issues a temporary emergency order under AS 25.30.330, on a finding that a petitioner is entitled to immediate physical custody of the child, the court shall order that the petitioner may take immediate physical custody of the child unless the respondent establishes that
     (1) the child custody determination has not been registered and confirmed under AS 25.30.430 and that
          (A) the issuing court did not have jurisdiction under provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390;

          (B) the child custody determination for which enforcement is sought has been vacated, stayed, or modified by a court having jurisdiction to do so under AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390 or provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390; or

          (C) the respondent was entitled to notice, but notice was not given in accordance with AS 25.30.840 or provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390 in the proceedings before the court that issued the order for which enforcement is sought; or

     (2) the child custody determination for which enforcement is sought was registered and confirmed under AS 25.30.430 but has been vacated, stayed, or modified by a court having jurisdiction to do so under AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390 or provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390.

 (b) The court shall award the fees, costs, and expenses authorized under AS 25.30.500 and may grant additional relief, including a request for the assistance of law enforcement officials, and set a further hearing to determine whether additional relief is appropriate.

 (c) If a party called to testify refuses to answer on the ground that the testimony may be self-incriminating, the court may draw an adverse inference from the refusal.

 (d) A privilege against disclosure of communications between spouses and a defense of immunity based on the relationship of husband and wife or parent and child may not be invoked in a proceeding under AS 25.30.400 — 25.30.590.

Sec. 25.30.490. Warrant to take physical custody of child.
 (a) On the filing of a petition seeking enforcement of a child custody determination, the petitioner may file a verified application for the issuance of a warrant to take physical custody of the child if the child is imminently likely either to suffer serious physical harm or to be removed from this state.

 (b) If the court, on the testimony of the petitioner or other witness, finds that the child is imminently likely to suffer serious physical harm or to be removed from this state, it may issue a warrant to take physical custody of the child. The petition must be heard on the next judicial day after the warrant is executed unless that date is impossible. In that event, the court shall hold the hearing on the first judicial day possible. The application for the warrant must include the statements required for petitions under AS 25.30.460(b).

 (c) A warrant to take physical custody of a child must
     (1) recite the facts on which a conclusion of imminent serious physical harm or removal from the state is based;

     (2) direct law enforcement officers to take physical custody of the child immediately; and

     (3) provide for the placement of the child pending final relief.

 (d) The respondent must be served with the petition, warrant, and order immediately after the child is taken into physical custody.

 (e) A warrant to take physical custody of a child is enforceable throughout this state. If the court finds on the basis of the testimony of the petitioner or other witness that a less intrusive remedy is not effective, it may authorize law enforcement officers to enter private property to take physical custody of the child. If required by exigent circumstances, the court may authorize law enforcement officers to make a forcible entry at any hour.

 (f) The court may impose conditions on placement of a child to ensure the appearance of the child and the child’s custodian.

Sec. 25.30.500. Costs, fees, and expenses.
 (a) To the extent authorized by court rules, the court shall award the prevailing party, including a state, necessary and reasonable expenses incurred by or on behalf of the party, including costs, communication expenses, attorney fees, investigative fees, expenses for witnesses, travel expenses, and child care expenses incurred during the course of the proceedings, unless the party from whom costs, fees, or expenses are sought establishes that the award would be clearly inappropriate.

 (b) The court may not assess costs, fees, or expenses against a state unless authorized by law other than this chapter or by court rule.

Sec. 25.30.510. Recognition and enforcement.
A court of this state shall give full faith and credit to an order issued by another state consistent with this chapter if the order enforces a child custody determination by a court of another state unless the order has been vacated, stayed, or modified by a court having jurisdiction to do so under AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390 or provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.300 — 25.30.390.

Sec. 25.30.520. Appeals.
An appeal taken from a final order in a proceeding under AS 25.30.400 — 25.30.590 shall be given calendar priority to the extent allowed for other civil appellate cases and shall be handled expeditiously. Unless the court enters a temporary emergency order under AS 25.30.330, the enforcing court may not stay an order enforcing a child custody determination pending appeal.

Sec. 25.30.590. Definitions.
In AS 25.30.400 — 25.30.590,
     (1) “petitioner” means a person who seeks enforcement of an order for the return of the child under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction or enforcement of a child custody determination;

     (2) “respondent” means a person against whom a proceeding has been commenced for enforcement of an order for the return of the child under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction or enforcement of a child custody determination.

Article 3. Miscellaneous Provisions.
Sec. 25.30.800. Proceedings governed by other law.
 (a) This chapter does not govern an adoption proceeding or a proceeding pertaining to the authorization of emergency medical care for a child.

 (b) A child custody proceeding that pertains to an Indian child as defined in 25 U.S.C. 1901 — 1963 (Indian Child Welfare Act) is not subject to this chapter to the extent that it is governed by 25 U.S.C. 1901 — 1963 (Indian Child Welfare Act).

Sec. 25.30.810. International application of chapter.
 (a) A court of this state shall treat a foreign country as if it were a state of the United States for the purpose of applying AS 25.30.400 — 25.30.590.

 (b) Except as provided in (c) of this section, a child custody determination made in a foreign country under factual circumstances in substantial conformity with the jurisdictional standards of this chapter shall be recognized and enforced under AS 25.30.400 — 25.30.590.

 (c) A court of this state is not required to apply this chapter to a child custody determination made in a foreign country when the child custody law of the other country violates fundamental principles of human rights.

Sec. 25.30.820. Effect of child custody determination.
A child custody determination made by a court of this state that had jurisdiction under this chapter binds all persons who have been served notice under Rule 4, Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure, who have been notified under AS 25.30.840, or who have submitted to the jurisdiction of the court, and who have been given an opportunity to be heard. As to those persons, the determination is conclusive as to all decided issues of law and fact except to the extent the determination is modified.

Sec. 25.30.830. Priority.
If a question of existence or exercise of jurisdiction under this chapter is raised in a child custody proceeding, the question, on request of a party, shall be given priority on the calendar and handled expeditiously.

Sec. 25.30.840. Notice to persons outside the state.
 (a) Notice required for the exercise of jurisdiction when a person is outside this state may be given under Rule 4, Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure, or in a manner prescribed by the law of the state in which the service is made. Notice shall be given in a manner reasonably calculated to give actual notice but may be by publication if other means are not effective.

 (b) Proof of service may be made under Rule 4, Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure, or in the manner prescribed by the law of the state in which the service is made.

 (c) Notice is not required for the exercise of jurisdiction with respect to a person who submits to the jurisdiction of the court.

Sec. 25.30.850. Appearance and limited immunity.
 (a) A party to a child custody proceeding, including a modification proceeding, or a petitioner or respondent in a proceeding to enforce or register a child custody determination is not subject to personal jurisdiction in this state for another proceeding or purpose solely because of having participated, or having been physically present for the purpose of participating, in the proceeding.

 (b) A party who is subject to personal jurisdiction in this state on a basis other than physical presence is not immune from service of process in this state. A party present in the state who is subject to the jurisdiction of another state is not immune from service of process allowable under the laws of that state.

 (c) The immunity granted by (a) of this section does not extend to civil litigation based on acts unrelated to the participation in a proceeding under this chapter committed by an individual while present in this state.

Sec. 25.30.860. Communication between courts.
 (a) A court of this state may communicate with a court in another state concerning a proceeding arising under this chapter.

 (b) The court may allow the parties to participate in the communication. If the parties are not able to participate in the communication, they shall be given the opportunity to present facts and legal arguments before a decision on jurisdiction is made.

 (c) Communication between courts on schedules, calendars, court records, and similar matters may occur without informing the parties, and a record need not be made of the communication.

 (d) Except as provided in (c) of this section, a record shall be made of a communication under this section. The parties must be informed promptly of the communication and granted access to the record.

 (e) In this section, “record” means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.

Sec. 25.30.870. Taking testimony in another state.
 (a) In addition to other procedures available to a party, a party to a child custody proceeding may offer testimony of witnesses who are located in another state, including testimony of the parties and the child, by deposition or other means allowable in this state for testimony taken in another state. The court on its own motion may order that the testimony of a person be taken in another state and may prescribe the manner in which and the terms on which the testimony is taken.

 (b) A court of this state may permit an individual residing in another state to be deposed or to testify by telephone, audiovisual means, or other electronic means before a designated court or at another location in that state. A court of this state shall cooperate with courts of other states in designating an appropriate location for the deposition or testimony.

 (c) Documentary evidence transmitted from another state to a court of this state by technological means that do not produce an original writing may not be excluded from evidence on an objection based on the means of transmission.

Sec. 25.30.880. Cooperation between courts; preservation of records.
 (a) A court of this state may request the appropriate court of another state to
     (1) hold an evidentiary hearing;

     (2) order a person to produce or give evidence under procedures of that state;

     (3) order that an evaluation be made with respect to the custody of a child involved in a pending proceeding;

     (4) forward to the court of this state a certified copy of the transcript of the record of the hearing, the evidence otherwise presented, and any evaluation prepared in compliance with the request; and

     (5) order a party to a child custody proceeding or a person having physical custody of the child to appear in the proceeding with or without the child.

 (b) On request of a court of another state, a court of this state may hold a hearing or enter an order described in (a) of this section.

 (c) Travel and other necessary and reasonable expenses incurred under (a) and (b) of this section may be assessed against the parties according to the law of this state.

 (d) A court of this state shall preserve the pleadings, orders, decrees, records of hearings, evaluations, and other pertinent records with respect to a child custody proceeding until the child attains 18 years of age. On appropriate request by a court or law enforcement official of another state, the court shall forward a certified copy of these records.

Article 4. General Provisions.
Sec. 25.30.900. Definitions. [Repealed, § 4 ch 133 SLA 1998.]
Sec. 25.30.901. Application and construction.
In applying and construing this chapter, consideration shall be given to the need to promote uniformity of the law with respect to its subject matter among states that enact laws substantially similar.

Sec. 25.30.903. Severability clause.
If a provision of this chapter or its application to a person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity does not affect other provisions or applications of this chapter that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and, to this end, the provisions of this chapter are severable.

Sec. 25.30.909. Definitions.
In this chapter,
     (1) “abandoned” means left without provision for reasonable and necessary care or supervision;

     (2) “child” means an individual who has not attained 18 years of age;

     (3) “child custody determination” means a judgment, decree, or other order of a court providing for the legal custody, physical custody, or visitation with respect to a child, including a permanent, temporary, initial, and modification order, except that the term does not include an order relating to child support or other monetary obligation of an individual;

     (4) “child custody proceeding” means a proceeding in which legal custody, physical custody, or visitation with respect to a child is an issue, including a proceeding for divorce, separation, neglect, abuse, dependency, guardianship, paternity, termination of parental rights, and protection from domestic violence in which the issue may appear, except that the term does not include a proceeding involving juvenile delinquency, contractual emancipation, or enforcement under AS 25.30.400 — 25.30.590 or provisions substantially similar to AS 25.30.400 — 25.30.590;

     (5) “commencement” means the filing of the first pleading in a proceeding;

     (6) “court” means an entity authorized under the law of a state to establish, enforce, or modify a child custody determination;

     (7) “home state” means the state in which a child lived with a parent or a person acting as a parent for at least six consecutive months, including any temporary absences of the child or parent or person acting as a parent, immediately before the commencement of a child custody proceeding, except that, in the case of a child who is less than six months of age, the term means the state in which the child lived from birth with any of the persons mentioned, including any temporary absences;

     (8) “initial determination” means the first child custody determination concerning a particular child;

     (9) “issuing court” means the court that makes a child custody determination for which enforcement is sought under this chapter;

     (10) “issuing state” means the state in which a child custody determination is made;

     (11) “modification” means a child custody determination that changes, replaces, supersedes, or is otherwise made after a previous determination concerning the same child, whether or not it is made by the court that made the previous determination;

     (12) “person” means a natural person, a corporation, a business trust, an estate, a trust, a partnership, a limited liability company, an association, a joint venture, a government or a governmental subdivision, an agency, an instrumentality, a public corporation, or any other legal or commercial entity;

     (13) “person acting as a parent” means a person, other than a parent, who
          (A) has physical custody of a child or has had physical custody for a period of six consecutive months, including temporary absence, within one year immediately before the commencement of a child custody proceeding; and

          (B) has been awarded legal custody by a court or claims a right to legal custody under the law of this state;

     (14) “physical custody” means the physical care and supervision of a child;

     (15) “state” means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, or a territory or insular possession subject to the jurisdiction of the United States;

     (16) “warrant” means an order issued by a court authorizing law enforcement officers to take physical custody of a child.

Sec. 25.30.910. Short title.
This chapter may be cited as the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act.

Chapter 35. Domestic Violence.

Secs. 25.35.010 — 25.35.050. Injunctive relief in cases involving domestic violence. [Repealed, § 72 ch 64 SLA 1996. For current law, see AS 18.66.100 — 18.66.180.]
Sec. 25.35.060. [Renumbered as AS 25.35.200.]
Secs. 25.35.100 — 25.35.150. [Renumbered as AS 18.66.200 — 18.66.250.]
Sec. 25.35.200. Definition. [Repealed, § 72 ch 64 SLA 1996.]