Rule 1.30 – Access To Confidential Records – Fees And Notice

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, New Hampshire

Any person or entity not otherwise entitled to access may file a motion or petition to gain access to:

A. A financial affidavit filed pursuant to Family Division Rule 2.16 and kept confidential under RSA 458:15-b, I, or RSA 461-A:3.
B. Any other sealed or confidential court record. See Petition of Keene Sentinel, 136 N.H. 121 (1992).

Filing Fee: There shall be no filing fee for such a motion or petition.

Notice: In open cases, the person filing such a motion shall provide the parties to the proceeding with notice of the motion by first class mail to the last mail addresses on file with the Clerk. In closed cases, the Court shall order that the petitioner notify the parties of the petition to grant access by certified mail to the last known address of each party, return receipt requested, restricted delivery, signed by the addressee only, unless the Court expressly determines that another method of service is necessary in the circumstances.

N.H. R. Cir. Ct. Fam. Div. 1.30