Rule 1.9 – Multiple Case Filings

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, New Hampshire

A. In the event that two petitions for divorce, parenting, legal separation, or other action are filed involving the same parties but at different family division locations, the court shall transfer one case, considering the second case filed to be a cross-petition in the same action. In deciding which location will retain jurisdiction, the Court will consider, among other factors, convenience of the parties and witnesses and the timing of the filing of the respective petitions.
B. In the event two such petitions are filed involving the same parties, one in a family division location and one in a superior court, upon motion of either party or upon independent action of the Court, and upon consultation of the Courts, and upon consideration of such factors as convenience to the parties and witnesses, the cases shall be heard in a single location.

N.H. R. Cir. Ct. Fam. Div. 1.9