Rule 1 – Scope and Purpose of Rules

May 15, 2021 | Delaware, Family Law

(a) Scope. These Rules shall govern the procedure in the Family Court of the State of Delaware with the exceptions stated in Rule 81. They should be construed, administered and employed by the Court and the parties to secure the just, speedy and inexpensive determination of every proceeding.
(b)Definitions. For the purpose of these Rules, unless the context requires otherwise, any words used herein which are also defined in Title 10 of the Delaware Code shall have the same meaning. “Petitioner” herein shall include “Plaintiff” or “Complainant” where the latter is used in statutes; “Respondent” herein shall similarly include “Defendant”; “Child” herein shall similarly include “Infant” or “Minor”. “Child” is as defined by statute.

Del. Fam. Ct. R. Civ. P. 1

Amended July 18, 2018, effective December 1, 2018.