Rule 2.23 – Settlements and Agreements

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, New Hampshire

A. All stipulations and agreements shall be typed and signed by the parties and, if represented by counsel, by attorneys for the parties. The Court may accept handwritten agreements, but may require the parties to file a typewritten substitute (conformed copy) with the court within ten (10) days. A typewritten substitute does not need to contain signatures.
B. Whenever the Clerk receives a Mediation Report indicating that a case has settled, or written notice from a party or an attorney that a case has settled, the parties shall have thirty (30) days in which to file all required settlement documents. If the documents are not filed within this timeframe, the Court shall take such action as justice may require, including dismissal of the case where appropriate.
C. No agreement for temporary or final orders shall be approved without a current financial affidavit of each party having been filed, or an affidavit indicating that there has been no change in the financial status of the party since the last time the party filed a financial affidavit.

N.H. R. Cir. Ct. Fam. Div. 2.23