A. Temporary. All temporary agreements and proposed decrees shall be set forth in the following order of paragraphs. “N/A” may be used to denote paragraphs that do not apply to a particular situation.
(1) Type of Case(2) Parenting Plan and Uniform Support Order(3) Tax Exemptions for Children(4) Guardian ad Litem Fees(5) Alimony(6) Health Insurance for Spouse(7) Life Insurance(8) Motor Vehicles(9) Furniture and Other Personal Property(10) Retirement Plans and Other Tax-Deferred Assets(11) Other Financial Assets(12) Business Interests of the Parties(13) Division of Debt(14) Marital Home(15) Other Real Property(16) Restraints against the Property(17) Restraining Order(18) Other RequestsB. Final. All final agreements and proposed decrees shall be set forth in the following order of paragraphs. “N/A” may be used to denote paragraphs that do not apply to a particular situation.
(1) Type of Case(2) Parenting Plan and Uniform Support Order(3) Tax Exemptions for Children(4) Guardian ad Litem Fees(5) Alimony(6) Health Insurance for Spouse(7) Life Insurance(8) Motor Vehicles(9) Furniture and Other Personal Property(10) Retirement Plans and Other Tax-Deferred Assets(11) Other Financial Assets(12) Business Interests of the Parties(13) Division of Debt(14) Marital Home(15) Other Real Property(16) Enforceability after Death(17) Signing of Documents(18) Restraining Order(19) Name Change(20) Other Requests