Rule 206.6 – Rule to Show Cause. Issuance as of Course. Stay. Form of Order

May 14, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Pennsylvania

(a) A rule to show cause shall be issued as of course upon the filing of the petition. The rule shall direct that an answer be filed to the petition within twenty days after service of the petition on the respondent.
(b) The court may grant a stay of the proceedings.
(c) The petitioner shall attach to the petition a proposed order substantially in the following form:



AND NOW, this


day of




, upon consideration of the foregoing petition, it is hereby ordered that

(1) a rule is issued upon the respondent to show cause why the petitioner is not entitled to the relief requested;
(2) the respondent shall file an answer to the petition within twenty days of service upon the respondent;
(3) the petition shall be decided under Pa.R.C.P. No. 206.7;
(4) depositions shall be completed within


days of this date;

(5) argument shall be held on




in Courtroom


of the


County Courthouse; and

(6) notice of the entry of this order shall be provided to all parties by the petitioner.

BY THE COURT: ______________________________________


231 Pa. Code ยง 206.6