Rule 21.6 – Redaction of Protected Identifiers and Filings Under Seal

May 11, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Georgia

(A) Protected Identifiers. Protected identifiers are items of identifying information subject to protection from placement on the public record as described in OCGA ยง 9-11-7.1.
(B) Protected Identifiers in Family Violence and Stalking Protective Orders. Protected identifiers that must be included to qualify a protective order for entry into the Georgia Protective Order Registry or the National Crime Information Center Registry shall be placed on a separate page to follow the other pages of the order. The clerk of court shall utilize the protected identifiers as necessary to process the protective order and then seal the protected identifiers page in the case file without further order of the court. The protected identifiers page shall not be unsealed except upon order of the court or as required by law.
(C) Sealing of Filings With Unredacted Protected Identifiers. Any party seeking to make a filing under seal without redaction shall first file a redacted version of the filing with the clerk of court for the public record and then submit the request for filing under seal directly to the court, along with a copy of the filing without redaction and a proposed order to file under seal.
(D) Sealing of Filings Containing Personal and Confidential Information. Any party seeking to make a filing under seal which contains additional personal or confidential information other than protected identifiers shall first file a redacted version with the clerk of court for the public record and then submit a request for filing under seal directly to the court, along with a copy of the filing without redaction and a proposed order to file under seal.

Ga. R. Sup. Ct. 21.6

Added May 7, 2015, effective June 4, 2015.