Rule 23.03 – Determining by Order Whether to Certify a Class Action; Appointing Class Counsel; Notice and Membership in Class; Judgment; Multiple Classes and Subclasses

May 13, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Minnesota

(a) Certification Order.

(1) When a person sues or is sued as a representative of a class, the court must-at an early practicable time-determine by order whether to certify the action as a class action.
(2) An order certifying a class action must define the class and the class claims, issues, or defenses, and must appoint class counsel under Rule 23.07.
(3) An order under Rule 23.03(a)(1) may be altered or amended before final judgment.
(b) Notice.

(1) For any class certified under Rule 23.02(a) or (b), the court may direct appropriate notice to the class.
(2) For any class certified under Rule 23.02(c), the court must direct to class members the best notice practicable under the circumstances, including individual notice to all members who can be identified through reasonable effort. The notice must concisely and clearly state in plain, easily understood language:

(A) the nature of the action,
(B) the definition of the class certified,
(C) the class claims, issues, or defenses,
(D) that a class member may enter an appearance through counsel if the member so desires,
(E) that the court will exclude from the class any member who requests exclusion, stating when and how members may elect to be excluded, and
(F) the binding effect of a class judgment on class members under Rule 23.03(c).
(c) Identification of Class Members. The judgment in an action maintained as a class action under Rule 23.02(a) or (b), whether or not favorable to the class, shall include and describe those whom the court finds to be members of the class. The judgment in an action maintained as a class action under Rule 23.02(c), whether or not favorable to the class, shall include and specify or describe those to whom the notice provided in Rule 23.03(b) was directed, and who have not requested exclusion, and whom the court finds to be members of the class.
(d) Issue Classes and Subclasses. When appropriate (1) an action may be brought or maintained as a class action with respect to particular issues, or (2) a class may be divided into subclasses and each subclass treated as a class; the provisions of this rule shall then be construed and applied accordingly.

Minn. R. Civ. P. 23.03