
Civil Procedure

Rule 3.2220 – Definitions and application

(a) Definitions

As used in this chapter:

(1) An “environmental leadership development project” or “leadership project” means a project certified by the Governor under Public Resources Code sections 21182-21184.
(2) The “Sacramento entertainment and sports center project” or “Sacramento arena project” means an entertainment and sports center project as defined by Public Resources Code section 21168.6.6, for which the proponent provided notice of election to proceed under that statute described in section 21168.6.6(j)(1).
(3) A “capitol building annex project” means a capitol building annex project as defined by Public Resources Code section 21189.50.

(Subd (a) amended effective January 1, 2017.)

(b) Proceedings governed

The rules in this chapter govern actions or proceedings brought to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul the certification of the environmental impact report or the grant of any project approvals for the Sacramento arena project, a leadership project, or a capitol building annex project. Except as otherwise provided in Public Resources Code sections 21168.6.6, 21178-21189.3, and 21189.50-21189.57 and these rules, the provisions of the Public Resources Code and the CEQA Guidelines adopted by the Natural Resources Agency (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 14, ยง15000 et seq.) governing judicial actions or proceedings to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul acts or decisions of a public agency on the grounds of noncompliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the rules of court generally apply in proceedings governed by this rule.

(Subd (b) amended effective January 1, 2017.)

(c) Complex case rules

Any action or proceeding governed by these rules is exempted from the rules regarding complex cases.

Cal. R. Ct. 3.2220

Rule 3.2220 amended effective January 1, 2017; adopted effective July 1, 2014.