In all Delinquency or CHINS cases, except those filed by a parent, guardian, or custodian, if the juvenile elects to enter a plea of true or nolo contendere, without counsel, the juvenile and a parent shall review and sign:
The judge shall review these documents with the juvenile and the parent(s) to ensure they are understood.
If the juvenile is represented by counsel, the juvenile and counsel shall execute a Juvenile Acknowledgment of Rights form.
No plea from a juvenile shall be taken unless a Juvenile Acknowledgment of Rights form is executed by the juvenile, and parent(s) or counsel, except for good cause shown.
In all Delinquency or CHINS cases filed by a parent, the Court shall appoint counsel to represent the juvenile before a plea of true or nolo contendere may be considered by the Court.
N.H. R. Cir. Ct. Fam. Div. 3.4