Rule 32.1 – Revocation and Modification of Probation

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Vermont

(a) Revocation of Probation.

(1)Pre³liminary Hearing. Whenever a probationer is held in custody on the ground that he has violated a condition of his probation, he shall be afforded a prompt hearing before a judicial officer in order to determine whether there is probable cause to hold the probationer for a revocation hearing. The probationer shall be given:

(A) notice of the preliminary hearing and its purpose and of the alleged violation of probation;
(B) an opportunity to appear at the hearing and present evidence in his own behalf;
(C) upon request, the opportunity to question witnesses against him unless, for good cause, the judicial officer decides that justice does not require the appearance of the witness; and
(D) notice of his right to be represented by counsel and his right to assigned counsel if he is unable to obtain counsel.

The proceeding shall be taken down by a court reporter or recording equipment. If probable cause is found to exist, the probationers shall be held for a revocation hearing. If probable cause is not found to exist, the proceeding shall be dismissed.

(2)Revocation Hearing. The revocation hearing, unless waived by the probationer, shall be held within a reasonable time in the court in which probation is imposed. The probationer shall be given:

(A) written notice of his alleged violation of probation;
(B) disclosure of the evidence against him;
(C) an opportunity to appear and to present evidence in his own behalf;
(D) the opportunity to question witnesses against him; and
(E) written notice of his right to be represented by counsel and his right to assigned counsel if he is unable to obtain counsel.
(3)Release From Custody.

(A) A probationer held in custody pursuant to a request to revoke probation may be released by a judicial officer pending hearing or appeal. In determining conditions of release, the judicial officer shall consider the factors set forth in 13 V.S.A. § 7554(b). Any denial of or change in the terms of release shall be reviewable in the manner provided in 13 V.S.A. §§ 7554 and 7556 for pretrial release.
(B) A probationer who is serving a sentence for a sex offense that requires registration pursuant to chapter 167, subchapter 3 of Title 13 who violates a risk-related condition of probation may be held in custody until the revocation hearing
(b) Modification of Probation. A hearing and assistance of counsel are required before the terms or conditions of probation can be modified, unless the relief granted to the probationer upon his request or the court’s own motion is favorable to him.

Vt. R. Crim. P. 32.1

Added Dec. 8, 1981, eff. March 1, 1982; amended 2009, No. 1, § 48, eff. July 1, 2009.