Rule 35 – Victims and Witnesses

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Utah

(a) The prosecuting agency shall inform all victims and subpoenaed witnesses of their responsibilities during the criminal proceedings.
(b) The prosecuting agency shall inform all victims and subpoenaed witnesses of their right to be free from threats, intimidation and harm by anyone seeking to induce the victim or witness to testify falsely, withhold testimony or information, avoid legal process, or secure the dismissal of or prevent the filing of a criminal complaint, indictment or information.
(c) If requested by the victim, the prosecuting agency shall provide notice to all victims of the date and time of scheduled hearings, trial and sentencing and of their right to be present during those proceedings and any other public hearing unless they are subpoenaed to testify as a witness and the exclusionary rule is invoked.
(d) The informational rights of victims and witnesses contained in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this rule are contingent upon their providing the prosecuting agency and court with their current telephone numbers and addresses.
(e) In cases where the victim or the victim’s legal guardian so requests, the prosecutor shall explain to the victim that a plea agreement involves the dismissal or reduction of charges in exchange for a plea of guilty and identify the possible penalties which may be imposed by the court upon acceptance of the plea agreement. At the time of entry of the plea, the prosecutor shall represent to the court, either in writing or on the record, that the victim has been contacted and an explanation of the plea bargain has been provided to the victim or the victim’s legal guardian prior to the court’s acceptance of the plea. If the victim or the victim’s legal guardian has informed the prosecutor that he or she wishes to address the court at the change of plea or sentencing hearing, the prosecutor shall so inform the court.
(f) The court shall not require victims and witnesses to state their addresses and telephone numbers in open court.
(g) Judges should give scheduling priority to those criminal cases where the victim is a minor in an effort to minimize the emotional trauma to the victim. Scheduling priorities for cases involving minor victims are subject to the scheduling priorities for criminal cases where the defendant is in custody.

Utah. R. Crim. P. 35