In addition to information obtained from the Notice to Appear, the reminder notice must contain at least the following information:
Cal. R. Ct. 4.107
Advisory Committee Comment
Subdivision (a)(2). The court may provide a means for obtaining the defendant’s consent and designated electronic address or number on its local website. Because notices to appear state the website address for the superior court in each county, this location may increase the number of defendants who become aware and take advantage of this option. To obtain the defendant’s electronic address or number at the time of signing the promise to appear, the court may need to collaborate with local law enforcement agencies.
Subdivision (b). While not required, some local court websites may provide information about local court processes and local forms related to the information on the reminder notice. If in electronic form, the reminder notice should include direct links to any information and forms on the local court website. If in paper form, the reminder notice may include the website addresses for any information and forms on the local court website.