Rule 4:52 – Injunctions

May 14, 2021 | Civil Procedure, New Jersey

Rule 4:52-1. Temporary Restraint and Interlocutory Injunction-Application on Filing of Complaint

(a) Order to Show Cause With Temporary Restraints. On the filing of a complaint seeking injunctive relief, the plaintiff may apply for an order requiring the defendant to show cause why an interlocutory injunction should not be granted pending the disposition of the action. The proceedings shall be recorded verbatim provided that the application is made at a time and place where a reporter or sound recording device is available. The order to show cause shall not, however, include any temporary restraints or other interim relief unless the defendant has either been given notice of the application or consents thereto or it appears from specific facts shown by affidavit or verified complaint that immediate and irreparable damage will probably result to the plaintiff before notice can be served or informally given and a hearing had thereon. If the order to show cause includes temporary restraints or other interim relief and was issued without notice to the defendant, provision shall be made therein that the defendant shall have leave to move for the dissolution or modification of the restraint on 2 days’ notice or on such other notice as the court fixes in the order. The order may further provide for the continuation of the restraint until the further order of the court and shall be returnable within such time after its entry as the court fixes but not exceeding 35 days after the date of its issuance, unless within such time the court on good cause shown extends the time for a like period or unless the defendant consents to an extension for a longer period.
(b) Order to Show Cause as Process; Service. If the order to show cause issues upon the filing of the complaint, no summons shall issue in the action if the order contains the name and address of plaintiff’s attorney, if any, otherwise plaintiff’s address; the time within which defendant shall serve and file an answer upon plaintiff or plaintiff’s attorney as provided by these rules; and a notice to defendant that upon failure to so file and serve an answer, judgment by default may be rendered against the defendant for the relief demanded in the complaint. The order shall be served upon defendant together with a copy of the complaint and any supporting affidavits at least 10 days before the return date and in the manner prescribed by R. 4:4-3 and 4:4-4 for service of summons, unless the court orders a shorter or longer time or other manner of service.
(c) Hearing; Briefs. Oral testimony may be taken in the court’s discretion on the return date of the order to show cause and on the return date of defendant’s motion to dissolve or modify the temporary restraint. Briefs shall be submitted in support of the application for an interlocutory injunction.

Rule 4:52-2. Temporary Restraint and Interlocutory Injunction-During Pendency of Action

During the pendency of an action, either a temporary restraint or an interlocutory injunction may be applied for either by motion or by order to show cause. The order to show cause shall be applied for and proceeded with in accordance with the provisions of R. 4:52-1, insofar as applicable.

Rule 4:52-3. Security

The court, on granting a temporary restraining order or interlocutory injunction or at any time thereafter, may require security or impose such other equitable terms as it deems appropriate.

Rule 4:52-4. Form and Scope of Injunction or Restraining Order

Every order granting an injunction and every restraining order shall set forth the reasons for its issuance; shall be specific in terms; shall describe in reasonable detail, and not by reference to the complaint or other document, the act or acts sought to be restrained; and is binding only upon such parties to the action and such of their officers, agents, employees, and attorneys, and upon such persons in active concert or participation with them as receive actual notice of the order by personal service or otherwise.

Rule 4:52-5. Denial of Application

A statement of the denial of an application for a temporary restraining order or an interlocutory injunction shall be made on the complaint or affidavit which shall then be filed.

Rule 4:52-6. Stay of Action in Superior Court

No injunction or restraint shall be granted in one action to stay proceedings in another pending action in the Superior Court, but such relief may be sought on counterclaim or otherwise in the pending action.

Rule 4:52-7. Labor Disputes

These rules do not supersede N.J.S. 2A:15-51 to 58 (Injunctions in Labor Disputes).

N.J. Ct. R. 4:52

R.R. 4:67-2. Paragraph (a) amended July 7,1971 to be effective September 13, 1971; paragraph (a) amended effective July 26, 1984 to be effective September 10, 1984; paragraphs (a) and (b) amended My 13, 1994 to be effective September I, 1994; paragraph (a) amended July 9, 2008 to be effective September 1, 2008; paragraph (a) amended July 29, 2019 to be effective September 1, 2019.