Rule 500 – Delaware Child Support Formula; General Principles

May 15, 2021 | Delaware, Family Law

(a) Rebuttable Presumption.– The Delaware Child Support Formula (the “Formula”) shall serve as a rebuttable presumption for the establishment and modification of child support obligations in the State of Delaware. The Formula shall be rebutted upon a preponderance of the evidence that the results are not in the best interest of the child or are inequitable to the parties. The Formula may be rebutted in whole or in part. Every order rebutting the Formula shall state the reason for the deviation. The Court may decline to adopt any agreement deviating from the Formula that is clearly contrary to the best interest of the child. Any consent order resolving new support or modification of support petitions must have attached a calculation pursuant to the Formula, whether it is one utilized or one from which there is a deviation.
(b) Review, Update and adjustment.– The Delaware Child Support Formula shall be reviewed and updated no less than every four years with revisions implemented not later than February 1 of the year following each quadrennial review. The numerical values utilized in the Formula will be adjusted not later than February 1 of each year utilizing predetermined objective criteria. The Court will create appropriate forms, tables and instructions to facilitate consistent and accurate application of the Formula.
(c) The rules in effect at the time of a hearing or mediation apply to all prospective and retroactive determinations of support. However, if a hearing commences prior to an amendment of these rules but is not completed until after the amendment, then the prior rules shall apply up until the effective date of the amendment.

Del. Fam. Ct. R. Civ. P. 500

Amended January 28, 2015, eff. April 20, 2015; amended November 8, 2018, effective February 1, 2019; amended July 10, 2020, effective November 1, 2020.