Rule 58 – Entry of Judgment

May 15, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Civil Procedure common pleas, Delaware

Subject to the provisions of Rule 54(b):

(1) General verdict. Upon a decision by the Court that the party shall recover only a sum certain or costs or that all relief shall be denied, the Clerk of the Court, unless the Court otherwise orders, shall forthwith enter the judgment in the civil docket without awaiting any direction by the Court;
(2) Other verdicts. Upon a decision by the Court granting other relief, the Court shall promptly approve the form of the judgment and the Clerk of the Court shall thereupon enter it in the civil docket.
(3) Judgment. A judgment is effective only when so set forth and when entered. Entry of the judgment shall not be delayed for the taxing of costs. Attorneys shall not submit forms of judgment except upon direction of the Court, and these directions shall not be given as a matter of course.

Del. Civ. R. C.P. 58