Rule 61 – Laws superseded

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Wyoming

From and after February 11, 1969, the sections of the Wyoming Statutes, 1977, Republished Edition, as amended, hereinafter enumerated, shall be superseded, and such statutes and all other laws in conflict with these rules shall be of no further force or effect:

7-1-104 through 7-1-105

7-7-101 through 7-7-103

7-8-102 through 7-8-103

7-10-101 through 7-10-102

7-10-104 through 7-10-105

7-11-202 through 7-11-203

7-11-501 through 7-11-502

7-13-407 through 7-13-409

(amended June 30, 2000, effective July 1, 2000)



(Revised July 1, 2000)

For the sake of uniformity throughout the state, the following schedules have been established by the Wyoming Supreme Court and shall be used in all circuit courts and justice of the peace courts.[FN1]

Unless a specific bail amount appears in the body of this schedule, the amount of bail is (including $20 court costs and a $10.00 automation fee):

A = $ 45.00

B = $ 60.00

C = $ 110.00

D = $ 210.00

E = $ 410.00

A person to whom a citation has issued must appear in court on the day and at the time specified in the citation unless the citing officer checks the box “MAY FORFEIT BOND IN LIEU OF APPEARANCE” on the citation.

If the “MAY FORFEIT BOND IN LIEU OF APPEARANCE” box is checked, the person cited must appear on the day and at the time specified on the citation or may post bond at or prior to the court date and forfeit the same in lieu of appearance.

Any offense NOT listed requires the party to appear, subject to local requirements, so long as fully consistent with the schedule.

Following are the misdemeanor offenses for which bond may be posted and forfeited:


[FN1] Seat belt reduction-W.S. 31-5-1402(e) (2000 amendment) provides that “All citations for violations of the motor vehicle laws of this state shall contain a notation by the issuing officer indicating whether the driver and passenger(s) complied with this section.” (Viz, had seat belt fastened or was exempt from the requirement.) “Compliance with this section shall entitle a licensee to a ten dollar ($10.00) reduction in the fine otherwise imposed.” The Wyoming Supreme Court ruled that it applies to both bail and fines.

Wyo. R. Prac. & P. 61