Rule 625 – Juror Qualification Form, Lists of Trial Jurors, and Challenge to the Array

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Pennsylvania


(1) The officials designated by law to select persons for jury service shall:

(a) devise, distribute, and maintain juror qualification forms as provided by law;
(b) prepare, publish, and post lists of the names of persons to serve as jurors as provided by law; and
(c) upon the request of the attorney for the Commonwealth or the defendant’s attorney, furnish the list containing the names of prospective jurors prepared pursuant to paragraph (A)(1)(b); and
(d) make available for review and copying copies of the juror qualification forms returned by the prospective jurors.
(2) The information provided on the juror qualification form shall be confidential and limited to questions of the jurors’ qualifications.
(3) The original and any copies of the juror qualification form shall not constitute a public record.

(1) Unless opportunity did not exist prior thereto, a challenge to the array shall be made not later than 5 days before the first day of the week the case is listed for trial of criminal cases for which the jurors have been summoned and not thereafter, and shall be in writing, specifying the facts constituting the ground for the challenge.
(2) A challenge to the array may be made only on the ground that the jurors were not selected, drawn, or summoned substantially in accordance with law.

234 Pa. Code ยง 625

Amended and renumbered from Rule 630 by Pennsylvania Bulletin, Vol 45, No. 30. July 25, 2015, effective 10/1/2015

Committee Explanatory Reports:

Final Report explaining the July 7, 2015 renumbering of Rule 630 to Rule 625 published with the Court’s Order at 45 Pa.B. 3985 (July 25, 2015).