Rule 632 – Juror Information Questionnaire

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Pennsylvania

(A) Prior to voir dire:

(1) Each prospective juror shall complete and verify the standard, confidential juror information questionnaire required by paragraph (H) of this rule, and any supplemental questionnaire provided by the court.
(2) The president judge shall designate the method for distributing and maintaining the juror information questionnaires.
(3) The trial judge and the attorneys shall receive copies of the completed questionnaires for use during voir dire, and the attorneys shall be given a reasonable opportunity to examine the questionnaires.
(B) The information provided by the jurors on the questionnaires shall be confidential and limited to use for the purpose of jury selection only. Except for disclosures made during voir dire, or unless the trial judge otherwise orders pursuant to paragraph (F), this information shall only be made available to the trial judge, the defendant(s) and the attorney(s) for the defendant(s), and the attorney for the Commonwealth.
(C) The original and any copies of the juror information questionnaires shall not constitute a public record.
(D) Juror information questionnaires shall be used in conjunction with the examination of the prospective jurors conducted by the judge or counsel pursuant to Rule 631(E).
(E) If the court adjourns before voir dire is completed, the trial judge may order that the attorneys be permitted to retain their copies of the questionnaires during the adjournment. When copies of the questionnaires are permitted to be taken from the courtroom, the copies:

(1) shall continue to be subject to the confidentiality requirements of this rule, and to the disclosure requirements of paragraph (B); and
(2) shall not be duplicated, distributed, or published.

The trial judge may make such other order to protect the copies as is appropriate.

(F) The original questionnaires of all impaneled jurors shall be retained in a sealed file and shall be destroyed upon completion of the jurors’ service, unless otherwise ordered by the trial judge. Upon completion of voir dire, all copies of the questionnaires shall be returned to the trial judge and destroyed, unless otherwise ordered by the trial judge at the request of the defendant(s), the attorney(s) for the defendant(s), or the attorney for the Commonwealth.
(G) The original and any copies of questionnaires of all prospective jurors not impaneled or not selected for any trial shall be destroyed upon completion of the jurors’ service.
(H) The form of the juror information questionnaire shall be as follows:



MARITAL STATUS: MARRIED Click to view Image SINGLE Click to view Image SEPARATED Click to view Image DIVORCED Click to view Image WIDOWED Click to view Image
NUMBER OF CHILDREN RACE: Click to view Image WHITEClick to view Image BLACKClick to view Image HISPANIC Click to view Image OTHER

1. Have you ever served as a juror before? If so, were you ever on a hung jury? Click to view Image Click to view Image
2. Do you have any religious, moral, or ethical beliefs that would prevent you from sitting in judgment in a criminal case and rendering a fair verdict? Click to view Image Click to view Image
3. Do you have any physical or psychological disability that might interfere with or prevent you from serving as a juror? Click to view Image Click to view Image
4. Have you or anyone close to you ever been the victim of a crime? Click to view Image Click to view Image
5. Have you or anyone close to you ever been charged with or arrested for a crime, other than a traffic violation? Click to view Image Click to view Image
6. Have you or anyone close to you ever been an eyewitness to a crime, whether or not it ever came to court? Click to view Image Click to view Image
7. Have you or anyone close to you ever worked in law enforcement or the justice system? This includes police, prosecutors, attorneys, detectives, security or prison guards, and court related agencies. Click to view Image Click to view Image
8. Would you be more likely to believe the testimony of a police officer or any other law enforcement officer because of his or her job? Click to view Image Click to view Image
9. Would you be less likely to believe the testimony of a police officer or other law enforcement officer because of his or her job? Click to view Image Click to view Image
10. Would you have any problem following the court’s instruction that the defendant in a criminal case is presumed to be innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt? Click to view Image Click to view Image
11. Would you have any problem following the court’s instruction that the defendant in a criminal case does not have to take the stand or present evidence, and it cannot be held against the defendant if he or she elects to remain silent or present no evidence? Click to view Image Click to view Image
12. Would you have any problem following the court’s instruction in a criminal case that just because someone is arrested, it does not mean that the person is guilty of anything? Click to view Image Click to view Image
13. In general, would you have any problem following and applying the judge’s instruction on the law? Click to view Image Click to view Image
14. Would you have any problem during jury deliberations in a criminal case discussing the case fully but still making up your own mind? Click to view Image Click to view Image
15. Are you presently taking any medication that might interfere with or prevent you from serving as a juror? Click to view Image Click to view Image
16. Is there any other reason you could not be a fair juror in a criminal case? Click to view Image Click to view Image

I hereby certify that the answers on this form are true and correct. I understand that false answers provided herein subject me to penalties under 18 Pa.C.S. § 4904 relating to unsworn falsification to authorities. SIGNATURE




234 Pa. Code § 632

Amended by Pennsylvania Bulletin, Vol 45, No. 30. July 25, 2015, effective 10/1/2015

Committee Explanatory Reports:

Final Report explaining the March 1, 2000 reorganization and renumbering of the rules published with the Court’s Order at 30 Pa.B. 1478 (March 18, 2000).

Final Report explaining the July 7, 2015 amendments correcting cross-references to Rules 625 and 631 published with the Court’s Order at 45 Pa.B. 3985 (July 25, 2015).