Rule 67 – Deposit in Court – Registry.

May 14, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Rhode Island

(a) Deposit in Court. In an action in which any part of the relief sought is a judgment for a sum of money or the disposition of a sum of money or the disposition of any other thing capable of delivery, a party, upon notice to every other party, and by leave of court, may deposit with the court all or any part of such sum or thing.
(b) Registry of Court; Deposit and Withdrawal of Funds. The clerk of the court in each county shall be the registrar of the court for that county and shall have charge of all funds and things deposited in cases pending in said county. Funds so deposited shall be known as registry funds and shall be by certified or cashier’s check only payable to the Registry of the Superior Court and indorsed “for deposit only” by the clerk of the court. Such funds shall be deposited in an account designated by the Supreme Court Director of Finance in the name of the Registry of the Superior Court for the county. Withdrawal from such account shall be only upon written order of the court and shall be sent to the Supreme Court Finance Office for processing.
(c) Registry Fees. No fees shall be charged by the Clerk in any County on or after October 16, 1972, from amounts disbursed from the registry of court for any funds deposited in said registry by any person, firm, corporation or agency, whether public or private.

R.I. Super. Ct. R. Civ. P. 67