
Civil Procedure

Rule 7 – Pleadings Allowed-Form of Motions

(a)Pleadings. There shall be a complaint and an answer; a reply to a counterclaim denominated as such; an answer to a cross-claim, if the answer contains a cross-claim; a third-party complaint, if leave is given under Rule 14 to summon a person who was not an original party; and a third-party answer, if a third-party complaint is served. No other pleading shall be allowed, except that the court may order a reply to an answer or a third-party answer.
(b)Motions and Other Papers.

(1) An application to the court for an order shall be by motion which, unless made during a hearing or trial, shall be made in writing, shall state with particularity the grounds therefor, and shall set forth the relief or order sought. The requirement of writing is fulfilled if the motion is stated in a written notice of the hearing of the motion.
(2) The rules applicable to captions, signing, and other matters of form of pleadings apply to all motions and other papers provided for by these rules.
(3) The procedure for the submission and hearing of motions shall be as provided in Rule 77.
(c)Demurrers, Pleas, etc., Abolished. Demurrers, pleas and exceptions for insufficiency of a pleading shall not be used.

Alaska R. Civ. P. 7

Adopted by SCO 5 October 9, 1959; amended by SCO 57 effective November 8, 1963; by SCO 258 effective November 15, 1976

Chapter 54 SLA 2005 (HB 95) enacted extensive amendments and new provisions related to public health, including public health emergencies and disasters. According to Section 13(a) of the Act, AS 18.15.375(c)(3), (d), and (e), and 18.15.385(d)-(k), enacted in Section 8, have the effect of amending Civil Rule 7 by adding special proceedings, timing, and pleading requirements for matters involving public health.