Rule 74 – Withdrawal of Counsel

May 14, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Utah

(a) Notice of withdrawal. An attorney may withdraw from the case by filing with the court and serving on all parties a notice of withdrawal. The notice of withdrawal shall include the address of the attorney’s client and a statement that no motion is pending and no hearing or trial has been set. If a motion is pending or a hearing or trial has been set, an attorney may not withdraw except upon motion and order of the court. The motion to withdraw shall describe the nature of any pending motion and the date and purpose of any scheduled hearing or trial.
(b) Withdrawal of limited appearance. An attorney who has entered a limited appearance under Rule 75 shall withdraw from the case upon the conclusion of the purpose or proceeding identified in the Notice of Limited Appearance:

(b)(1) by filing and serving a notice of withdrawal; or
(b)(2) if permitted by the judge, by orally announcing the withdrawal on the record in a proceeding.

An attorney who seeks to withdraw before the conclusion of the purpose or proceeding shall proceed under subdivision (a).

(c) Notice to Appear or Appoint Counsel. If an attorney withdraws other than under subdivision (b), dies, is suspended from the practice of law, is disbarred, or is removed from the case by the court, the opposing party shall serve a Notice to Appear or Appoint Counsel on the unrepresented party, informing the party of the responsibility to appear personally or appoint counsel. A copy of the Notice to Appear or Appoint Counsel must be filed with the court. No further proceedings shall be held in the case until 21 days after filing the Notice to Appear or Appoint Counsel unless the unrepresented party waives the time requirement or unless otherwise ordered by the court.
(d) Substitution of counsel. An attorney may replace the counsel of record by filing and serving a notice of substitution of counsel signed by former counsel, new counsel and the client. Court approval is not required if new counsel certifies in the notice of substitution that counsel will comply with the existing hearing schedule and deadlines.

Utah. R. Civ. P. 74