Rule 9.5 – Charged Multiple Offenses-To be Filed in Single Court

May 14, 2021 | Criminal Procedure, Utah

(1)(a) Unless otherwise provided by law, complaints, citations, or informations charging multiple offenses, which may include violations of state laws, county ordinances, or municipal ordinances and arising from a single criminal episode as defined by Section 76-1-401, shall be filed in a single court that has jurisdiction of the charged offense with the highest possible penalty of all the offenses charged.
(1)(b) The offenses within the complaint, citation, or information may not be separated except by order of the court and for good cause shown.
(2) For purposes of this section, the court that is adjudicating the complaint, citation, or information has jurisdiction over all the offenses charged, and a single prosecutorial entity shall prosecute the offenses.

Utah. R. Crim. P. 9.5