Rule 99.06 – Delivery Bond-Form of-Effect of Filing

May 13, 2021 | Civil Procedure, Missouri

The plaintiff shall file a sufficient bond, approved by the court, executed by the plaintiff as principal and one or more sufficient sureties to the effect that they are bound to the defendant in double the value of the property for the prosecution of the action with effect and without delay, for the return of the property to the defendant, if return thereof be adjudged, and, in default of such delivery for the payment of all damages for injuries to the property thereafter, for the payment of all damages for the taking and detention thereof, and for all costs.

Mo. R. Civ. P. 99.06

Adopted April 4, 1977, eff. Dec. 1, 1977.

Committee Note – 1981

The source is prior Rule 99.03.

There is a change in that prior Rule 99.03 provided that there must be at least two sureties and that approval of the bond was by the sheriff while this rule requires only one surety and provides that the court must approve the bond