Section 125.110 – What pleadings and papers open to public inspection; written request of party for sealing

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, Nevada

1. In any action for divorce, the following papers and pleadings in the action shall be open to public inspection in the clerk’s office:

(a) In case the complaint is not answered by the defendant, the summons, with the affidavit or proof of service; the complaint with memorandum endorsed thereon that the default of the defendant in not answering was entered, and the judgment; and in case where service is made by publication, the affidavit for publication of summons and the order directing the publication of summons.
(b) In all other cases, the pleadings, the finding of the court, any order made on motion as provided in Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure, and the judgment.
2. All other papers, records, proceedings and evidence, including exhibits and transcript of the testimony, shall, upon the written request of either party to the action, filed with the clerk, be sealed and shall not be open to inspection except to the parties or their attorneys, or when required as evidence in another action or proceeding.

NRS 125.110

[1:222:1931; 1931 NCL § 9467.03] – (NRS A 1963, 544 [Ch. 300])
[1:222:1931; 1931 NCL § 9467.03 ] – (NRS A 1963, 544)