1. When either party to an action for divorce, makes default in paying any sum of money as required by the judgment or order directing the payment thereof, the district court may make an order directing entry of judgment for the amount of such arrears, together with costs and a reasonable attorney’s fee.2. The application for such order shall be upon such notice to the defaulting party as the court may direct.3. The judgment may be enforced by execution or in any other manner provided by law for the collection of money judgments.4. The relief herein provided for is in addition to any other remedy provided by law.
NRS 125.180
[Part 1:147:1953; A 1955, 182 [Ch. 127]] – (NRS A 1975, 1589 [Ch. 744])[Part 1:147:1953; A 1955, 182] – (NRS A 1975, 1589)