Section 126.750 – Gestational agreement: Requirements

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, Nevada

1. A gestational agreement is enforceable only if it satisfies the requirements of this section.
2. The gestational carrier and the intended parent or parents must be represented by separate, independent counsel in all matters concerning the gestational carrier arrangement and gestational agreement.
3. A gestational agreement must:

(a) Be in writing;
(b) Be executed before the commencement of any medical procedures in furtherance of the gestational carrier arrangement, other than the medical evaluation required by subsection 1 of NRS 126.740 to determine the eligibility of the gestational carrier, by:

(1) A gestational carrier satisfying the eligibility requirements set forth in subsection 1 of NRS 126.740 and the legal spouse or domestic partner of the gestational carrier, if any; and
(2) An intended parent or parents satisfying the requirement set forth in subsection 2 of NRS 126.740;
(c) Be notarized and signed by all the parties with attached declarations of the independent attorney of each party; and
(d) Include the separate, written and signed acknowledgment of the gestational carrier and the intended parent or parents stating that he or she has received information about the legal, financial and contractual rights, expectations, penalties and obligations of the gestational agreement.
4. A gestational agreement must provide for:

(a) The express written agreement of the gestational carrier to:

(1) Undergo embryo or gamete transfer and attempt to carry and give birth to any resulting child; and
(2) Surrender legal and physical custody of any resulting child to the intended parent or parents immediately upon the birth of the child;
(b) The express written agreement of the legal spouse or domestic partner, if any, of the gestational carrier to:

(1) Undertake the obligations imposed upon the gestational carrier pursuant to the terms of the gestational agreement; and
(2) Surrender legal and physical custody of any resulting child to the intended parent or parents immediately upon the birth of the child;
(c) The express written agreement of each party to the use by the gestational carrier of the services of a physician of her choosing, after consultation with the intended parent or parents, to provide care to the gestational carrier during the pregnancy; and
(d) The express written agreement of the intended parent or parents to:

(1) Accept legal and physical custody of any resulting child not biologically related to the gestational carrier or her spouse or domestic partner, if any, immediately upon the birth of the child or children regardless of the number, gender or mental or physical condition of the child or children; and
(2) Assume sole responsibility for the support of any resulting child not biologically related to the gestational carrier or her spouse or domestic partner, if any, immediately upon the birth of the child.
5. A gestational agreement is enforceable even if it contains one or more of the following provisions:

(a) The gestational carrier’s agreement to undergo all medical examinations, treatments and fetal monitoring procedures recommended for the success of the pregnancy by the physician providing care to the gestational carrier during the pregnancy.
(b) The gestational carrier’s agreement to abstain from any activities that the intended parent or parents or the physician providing care to the gestational carrier during the pregnancy reasonably believes to be harmful to the pregnancy and the future health of any resulting child, including, without limitation, smoking, drinking alcohol, using nonprescribed drugs, using prescription drugs not authorized by a physician aware of the pregnancy, exposure to radiation or any other activity proscribed by a health care provider.
(c) The agreement of the intended parent or parents to pay the gestational carrier reasonable compensation.
(d) The agreement of the intended parent or parents to pay for or reimburse the gestational carrier for reasonable expenses, including, without limitation, medical, legal or other professional expenses, related to the gestational carrier arrangement and the gestational agreement.

NRS 126.750

Added to NRS by 2013, 810 [Ch. 213]
Added by 2013, Ch. 213,ยง27, eff. 10/1/2013.