Section 127.040 – Written consent to adoption or for relinquishment to authorized agency: Acknowledgment; when consent required

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, Nevada

1. Except as provided in NRS 127.090, written consent to the specific adoption proposed by the petition or for relinquishment to an agency authorized to accept relinquishments acknowledged by the person or persons consenting, is required from:

(a) Both parents if both are living;
(b) One parent if the other is dead; or
(c) The guardian of the person of a child appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction.
2. Consent is not required of a parent who has been adjudged insane for 2 years if the court is satisfied by proof that such insanity is incurable.

NRS 127.040

[4:332:1953] – (NRS A 1957, 11 [Ch. 84]; 1971, 835 [Ch. 411]; 1979, 1282 [Ch. 599])
[4:332:1953] – (NRS A 1957, 11; 1971, 835; 1979, 1282)