Section 127.120 – Petition to be filed in duplicate; investigation, report and recommendation; court may order independent investigation; costs

May 14, 2021 | Family Law, Nevada

1. A petition for adoption of a child must be filed in duplicate with the county clerk. The county clerk shall send one copy of the petition to the agency which provides child welfare services.
2. The agency which provides child welfare services shall make an investigation and report as provided in this section. If one petitioner or the spouse of a petitioner is related to the child within the third degree of consanguinity, the court may, in its discretion, waive the investigation by the agency which provides child welfare services. A copy of the order waiving the investigation must be sent to the nearest office of the agency which provides child welfare services by the petitioners within 7 days after the order is issued.
3. The agency which provides child welfare services or a licensed child-placing agency designated to do so by the court shall:

(a) Verify the allegations of the petition;
(b) Investigate the condition of the child, including, without limitation, whether the child is an Indian child; and
(c) Make proper inquiry to determine whether the proposed adopting parents are suitable for the child.
4. The agency which provides child welfare services or the designated child-placing agency shall, before the date on which the child has lived for a period of 6 months in the home of the petitioners or within 30 days after receiving the copy of the petition for adoption, whichever is later, submit to the court a full written report of its findings pursuant to subsection 3, which must contain, without limitation, a specific recommendation for or against approval of the petition and a statement of whether the child is known to be an Indian child, and shall furnish to the court any other information regarding the child or proposed home which the court requires. The court, on good cause shown, may extend the time, designating a time certain, within which to submit the report.
5. If the court is dissatisfied with the report submitted by the agency which provides child welfare services or the designated child-placing agency, the court may order an independent investigation to be conducted and a report submitted by an agency or person selected by the court. The costs of the investigation and report may be assessed against the petitioner or charged against the county in which the adoption proceeding is pending.

NRS 127.120

[12:332:1953] – (NRS A 1961, 738 [Ch. 366]; 1963, 890 [Ch. 393], 1301 [Ch. 460]; 1967, 1147 [Ch. 439]; 1973, 1406 [Ch. 715]; 1989, 1133 [Ch. 536]; 1993, 2682 [Ch. 640]; 1995, 734 [Ch. 294], 781 [Ch. 309]; 2001 Special Session,4 [Ch. 1] )
[12:332:1953] – (NRS A 1961, 738; 1963, 890, 1301; 1967, 1147; 1973, 1406; 1989, 1133; 1993, 2682; 1995, 734, 781; 2001 Special Session, 4)